Applied chemistry


This is the notes for applied chemistry.

Fundamentals of applied chemistry 

 Applied chemistry is define as the application of theories and principles of pure chemistry to practical purposes and required to use in our life. 

 The major aspect of applied chemistry is the development of chemical industry which can produce food textile, drugs, cosmetics, fertilizers, pesticides, paints, petrochemicals, metal and alloys ,explosives, catalyst, ceramics and cement, polymers and many more. 

Chemical industry: Chemical industries are the manufacturing companies which convert the raw materials into desired products that can be used in our day to day life and also use them in other industrial sector. Chemical industries have contributed significantly to the advancement of human civilization. The economic development of given country is reflected by the state of its chemical industries.

The products of the chemical industry

1. Basic chemicals: They are commodity or bulk chemicals produced in large volume and purses on the basis of chemical composition, purity and price. For example: chemical derived from oil known as petrochemicals, polymers, fertilizers, pesticides and basic inorganic are basic chemicals. 

 2. Functional chemicals: these are of specific categories used in further manufacture and covers very high valued chemicals and sold at very high margin for profit. For example: Flavoring, perfumes, cosmetic etc. 

 3. Fine chemicals or consumer chemicals: specialised finished products are transformed from raw material by undergoing various chemical process in the chemical plants. For example: detergent, drugs, paints, soap etc. 


• Unit operations: Those operation involving the physical separation of product obtained during various processes are cal units operation. Unit operation does not involve chemical reactions. This involved physical change such a separation, crystallization, evaporation, filtration, distillation, absorption, liquid extraction, drying, crushing, grinding, coating and gas absorption etc.

Unit process: Those methods involving the principle of chemical or biological conversion such as alkylation, sulfonation, hydration, sterification, hydrogeneration, smelting, calcination etc.

Importance of chemical industries 

 1. Importance of chemical industry in agriculture: for example, fertilizer insecticides fungi size pesticides etc. 

 2. Importance of chemical industry in hygiene and health: chemical Sciences help us to gain knowledge on various disease like cancer help us improve care and protection by diagnostic and sensors for the prevention and detection of deadly diseases. 

 3. Importance of chemical Sciences on food: different chemicals have been added to food for centuries, both to improve taste and help with preservation. 

 4. Importance importance of industry in painting and coating. 

 5. Importance of petrol chemistry.

6. Importance of pharmaceuticals. 

7. Chemicals and automobile industry.

Stages in producing a new product 

The product development process starts from Idea generation and ends with product development and commercialization.the steps involved in the new product development process are as follows, 

 1. Idea generation/ researching a new product: idea of producing new product is due to the collective brainstorming ideas through internal and external sources. Major sources are customers, competitors, distributors , suppliers, engineer, marketing people, manager etc. 

 2. Idea screening: the second step is an idea screening. This stage is concerned with selecting the best and most feasible Idea among the idea generated at the first step. Most promising ideas are shortlisted for the next stage. 

 3. Concept development and testing/ moving to a pilot study: For the selected Idea, different product concept are developed. Out of several product concepts, the most suitable concept is selected and introduced to a Focus Group of customer to understand their reaction.

4. Business analysis/ decision to go ahead: During this step the market strategies are developed to evaluate market size, product demand, growth potential and profit estimation for initial year. 

 5. Product development/ Making: The research and development department play a key role in developing a physical product for commercial production. 

 6. Market testing: If the products found acceptable in the test market, the product is ready to be launched in the desired target market. Now the product is ready to be launched in the market with the brand name packaging and pricing. 

 7. Commercialization: During this phase the product is produced in bulk on a continuous basis and launched across the target market with a proper marketing strategy and plan.

Economics of production: 

 The basic function of any company for existence is to make a profit. Without profit it cannot do other socially desirable activities such as providing continuity employment, paying money for local social services through rates and local taxes and providing money for National activities through corporate taxes. Economics offer a widely accepted tool for judging whether or not the production choices are least cost. Indicators of production: 

 • Total product (TP ) :Total product is the total number of units of output that a firm produces per unit time. 

 • Marginal product ( MP ) : Marginal product refer to the number of additional unit that can be produced when a firm has access to one additional unit of a certain factor of production. 

 • Average product ( AP ) : Average product is the total product divided by number of units of a certain factor of production.

The economics of the chemical industry should be understood in order to establish it in the nation. The profitability analysis of the used chemical process in the projected industry should be studied under following heads: 

 i) Capital investment: Capital investment is a sum of money provided to a company to further its business objectives. Usually, capital investments fall under two broad categories

    a) Fixed capital: Capital investment refers to money used by a business to purchase fixed assets, which are not movable and used to establish the industry such as land, machinery, or buildings, auxiliary utilities and emergency facilities, etc. 

    b) Working capital: Those capital investment refers to money invested in a business with the concept that the money is used to purchase fixed assets for day-to-day operations are working capital. It includes cash, inventory, accounts receivable, accounts payable, the portion of debt due within one year, and other short-term accounts.

ii) Total product cost: 

 The costs involved in total production of a product are called total product costs. Usually, total product cost falls under two broad categories. 

     a) General expenses: The cost that is used on the general running of an organization, rather than money spent on producing chemical products or selling services are general expenses. Examples of general expenses include rent, utilities, postage, and transportation of products research administrative purpose supplies and computer equipment. 

    b) Manufacturing cost: The cost used for producing a finished product in a chemical industry is called manufacturing cost for example manufacturing cost include cost of raw materials and their transportation operating cost search establishment of control laboratory laboratory technician labour supervision operating supplies and utilities.

iii) Economic analysis: 

 Economic analysis is all about analyzing the economic aspects of chemical industry. The aim is to determine whether it operates effectively and how profitable it is. Usually, economic analysis falls under two broad categories. 

    a) Market analysis and selling price: A market analysis provides information about industries, customers, competitors, and other market variables such as income taxes, competition of the product with others, price-volume relation, total and new earning from the product, etc. 

    b) Profitability analysis: Profitability analysis is a branch of financial analysis that consists in putting measures of profit into perspective. Analysis of project costs, return on investment, and interest rate of return, preparation of cost and profit charts determine the financial status of the chemical industry.

Types of cost and their examples 

 Fixed cost                     Variable cost

1. Labour cost             raw materials cost

2. Maintenance cost       energy 

 3. Safety                      packaging 

 4. Laboratory service      transport 

 5. Management cost      licences 

 6. Depreciation cast       patents

Cash flow in production cycle 

 The cash flow in production cycle is the time it takes a company to turn raw material into cash.

 It is also known as the cash conversion cycle which refer to the time between purchasing the raw material used to make a product and collecting the money from selling the product. 

 It may take many years to come the final product in the market from the first stage of manufacturing. This this is the time where the company is spending money. the company will be willing to bear this expense for a number of years if it believes that the product will make profits.

  Graphs showing how cash flow changes during the life of project:

Cash flow in production cycle 

 Figure shows that trend how the cash flow in the production varies through the life of a project. 

 Negative cash flow means the company is spending out more money then it is getting in. in this figure the graph reaches a minimum ( y ) at 4 years. This is the time taken for the research development and construction of plant. 

 After why the graph gradually climbs of upward as a profit are made the prophet being used to reduce the overdraft run-up in the first four years. It is seen that only after seven years (z) the graph rises to show a positive cash flow. This is the point where true Prophet are made.

Graph Showing Product life cycle and cash flow

Cash Flow in the Production Cycle 

The product life cycle is the model that represents a sales pattern for a product over a period of time, It shows the revenue by a product from its introduction to its eventual decline. There are following five stages to the product life cycle: 

 i) Research and development: It is the first stage of the production life cycle. This is where a firm has a research team look in to possible new ideas and products for a business. The cash flow at this stage is very low. 

ii) Introduction: This is the point when the product life cycle begins. This is when the actual product is launched and does not include testing or research and development. Manufacturers at this stage spend a lot of money in order to create awareness. The cash flow at this stage would not be very positive.

iii) Growth: If the product succeeds, sales will grow. Prices could still be high but with increased competition prices will drop. The producer still advertises at a high level to fight off competition. Product starts to move into profitability. The cash flow starts to gain more revenue. 

 iv) Maturity: During this stage prices and profit fall due to high competitive pressures. Growth rates become stable & weak firms are forced to leave the industry. Heavy expenditure is incurred on promotion to create brand, loyalty. 

 v) Decline Phase: In this phase, product sales gradually decline, leading to the eventual termination of the product. Eventually the product will become less interesting for purchasers, and the decline of the product will commence. 

The product life cycle & cash now: The cash flow from a product as it moves through its life cycle will change. Initially high development costs and high promotional costs will mean a negative cash flow, but as the products moves through the growth phase and into maturity, the cash flow should start to become positive.

Running a chemical plant 

Chemical plants consists of specialised equipment units and Technology in the manufacturing process. Its general objective is to create new material wealth via the chemical and biological transformation and separation of material. There are different type of chemical plants which generally use one of two method of production. 

 1. Continuous operation: continuous operation is best when there is known to be a large and dependable demand for the product. For example oil refineries work on a continuous operation. 

 2. Batch operation: In batch operation the chemical would be produced in small batches separately. 

 Advancement in technology of the smart technique called automation which play a vital role in the running of chemical plant. Chemical plant can be is Run with no more than a dozen workers due to this automation. Temperature and pressure changes can be measured by instruments directly connected to computers. Computer programming can easily control pumps, heater, collars and other so that the plant is kept running under the best condition to control the quality of product.

Continuous and batch processing

Designing a chemical plant 

• The designing of chemical plant is the art of science specially done by chemical engineers. 

• The chemical plant is designed with the aim to increase production while minimising cost. 

• Automation with a good margin for safety is another important aspect of chemical plant. 

• Chemical engineering is the integrated discipline of different Science (Chemistry, Physics) and Engineering (mechanical, computer ) which uses established knowledge of balancing a number of criteria to ensure the most efficient running of the plant. 

• Plant design is the designing of the entire facility including the equipment building utilities placement of the process machinery installation maintenance details etc. 

• The main causes of accident in chemical plants are human error in proper training manufacturing defect and improper maintenance. 

• Construction material must be inert to reactant, intermediate ,capable of withstanding very high pressure and temperature, durable.

Environmental impact of chemical industry 

 The chemical industry makes a product with many beneficial English but they also have negative impact on human health and environment. 

 The component of pollutants will be very dependent on the nature of industrial product. Environmental impact of chemical industry can be a study into following headings. 

Atmospheric pollution: 

The The National composition of Air is about 70% nitrogen, 20.9% oxygen, 0.9% Argon, 0.035% carbon dioxide and 0.53% water vapour with many hundreds of trace components. Some of this can be explained by natural releases or Direct Industry activities are called primary pollutants and and others that are from indirectly by chemical processes in the atmosphere are called secondary politans. Natural emission of oxides of sulfur and nitrogen, hydrogen, sulfide and ammonia through oxidation in the atmosphere can from acidic and readily soluble compounds, that when dissolved in water contribute to natural acidity of rainwater called acid rain. Increasincreasedincreased amountincreased amountincreased amount increased amount of CO2 causes global warming and climate change. CFCs Not only decrease air quality causes the ocean there depletion.

Aquatic pollution 

 1. Not only during the chemical production but its used in different applications involve the runoff chemical into water and pollute it. 

 2. Metals and solvents from industrial work can pollute to rivers and lakes. 

 3. Excessive use of chemical fertilizers can cause water pollution. 

 4. Heavy metals such as Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Pb, produce from industries can cause water pollution.

 5. Pesticides, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, chlorinated hydrocarbon and phenols are poisonous to many form of Aquatic life and even result in death. 

 6. Petroleum is another form of chemical pollutants that is usually contaminates water through oil spills used in different petrochemical industries. the oil can cause the death of many fishes and aquatic animals.

Soil pollution 

 1. Soil pollution refer to anything that causes contamination of soil and degrades the soil quality. 

 2. Soil contamination can occur due to the chemicals used as pesticides, herbicides , Ammonia, petroleum, hydrocarbon, Lead, nitrate, mercury etc.

 3. The incorrect way of chemical waste disposal from different types of chemical industry can cause contamination of soil 

 4. Soil pollution causes acidification of soil. 

 5. Disposal of electrical goods such as batteries causes and adverse effect on the soil due to the presence of harmful chemicals.

Hope this will help you.

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