English 11 (stories)

1. The Selfish Giant 

                                      -Oscar Wilde 


The story starts with the children playing in the garden of the Giant every afternoon after coming from school. The garden was lovely, large, with soft grass, and fruit trees. The trees bore rich fruits and birds sang sweetly sitting on them. 

One day after seven years the giant came back. He was staying with his friend, the Cornish Ogre. The children were scared to see him. He saw the children playing and said that he would not allow anyone to play here as it was his own garden. He built a wall around it and also put a notice board. The notice board displayed a warning on it, ‘Trespassers will be prosecuted’. The children became sad as they had no other place to play. They would wander around the high walls of the garden and remember the beautiful garden inside them. 

The spring season came and there were blossoms and little birds all around. But it was winter in the giant’s garden and there were frost and snow. In the absence of children birds also did not sing. Once a flower bloomed out of the grass but after seeing the notice board, it also went back to sleep. Then came the North Wind and the hailstorm. Due to the giant’s selfishness, autumn’s golden fruits also did not come to his garden. 

Then one morning, the giant heard sweet and lovely music. It was a linnet singing outside his window. The hail and the North Wind stopped and he could feel the spring. He saw that the children came into his garden through a little hole. The children were sitting on the branches of trees and the trees were blossoming. He also saw the birds flying and hear them chirping. The flowers had also come up. 

But, to his surprise, in one corner there was still winter. He saw that there a young boy was standing and he was not able to reach the branches of trees. The tree lowered its branches but still, he could not climb. 

At this scene, his heart melted. He realized that he was really very selfish. He decided to put that boy on the top of the tree, pull down the walls, and allow children to play here forever. But when the children saw him, they ran away and the garden became winter again. However, that little boy did not run as he was weeping. The giant put him on the top of the tree and the tree blossomed at once. He kissed the giant. The other children realizing that the giant is not wicked came back. The spring came back with them. The giant used to play with the children ever afternoon but that little boy was nowhere to be seen. As the years went by, he grew very weak. One winter morning, he saw a lovely tree with white blossoms in a corner. The branches of the tree were golden and the little boy stood under it. 

The boy was wounded which made the giant very angry. He told the boy that he will slay the man who has harmed him. The boy told him that these were the wounds of love. The boy smiled and asked the giant to come to his garden. Later, the children found the giant dead under the tree covered with white blossoms. 


Understanding the text 

Answer the following questions.  

  1. Where did the children use to play?  

 The children used  to play in a beautiful garden of the giant during afternoon time after school. 

  1. What did the Snow and the Frost do to the garden?  

 The snow and the Frost were the two agents who appeared in the giant’s garden after the rude behaviour of the giant against the children. The Snow covered up the grass with her great white cloak and the Frost painted all the trees silver. They even invited the North Wind to stay with them. 

  1. What did the giant hear when he was lying awake in bed?  

 The giant heard some lovely music of a little singing bird linnet when he was lying awake in bed. He heard the music after a long time. 

  1. Why do you think spring season never came to the giant’s garden?  

 I think the spring season even became sad along with the children. She became so angry and never came to the giant’s garden to find the giant’s rudeness and selfishness against the innocent children. 

  1. How did the giant realize his mistake?  

 The giant realized his mistake by experiencing unusual changes in his garden. He found out snow, frost, north wind, fog, etc. in his garden. He felt guilty himself for all those acts which he had done against the children. When the children reappeared in his garden, the garden once again bloomed with leaves and flowers. He even heard the chirping of birds in his garden. Thus, he realized his mistake. 

 Reference to the context  

A. Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow.  

a. “How happy we were there!” they said to each other.  

i. Where does ‘there’ refer to?  

➜ ‘There’ refers to the giant’s garden where children used to play after school. 

ii. What does ‘they’ refer to?  

➜ ‘They’ refers to the children who used to come and play in Giant’s garden after school. 

iii. Why are they saying so?  

➜ They are saying so because they aren’t allowed to play in the giant’s garden anymore. The giant has chased them out of his garden being furious. 

b. “I have many beautiful flowers,” he said; “but the children are the most beautiful flowers of all.”  

i. Who is the speaker? 

➜ The speaker is an old and feeble giant who keeps on watching the children at their play sitting on his armchair. 

ii. Who is he speaking to?  

➜ He is speaking to himself admiring his garden. 

iii. Who are ‘the children’ that the speaker is referring to?  

➜ ‘The Children’ that the speaker is referring to are the small and innocent school children who enjoy a lot in the giant’s garden. 

iv. Why is the speaker saying that ‘the children are the most beautiful flowers of all’? 

➜ The speaker is saying that ‘the children are the most beautiful flowers of all’ because he has experienced the presence of children in his garden. He has observed their simplicity and innocence. He believes that the children are the gift of beautiful nature and their presence has made the entire garden look so beautiful and bloom with different kinds of leaves and flowers. He makes the comparison here to value the children much because he knows the value of children in his garden than the flowers. 

c. When the little child smiled at the Giant, and said to him, “You let me play once in your garden, today you shall come with me to my garden, which is Paradise,” shortly afterwards, the happy giant dies. What is the coincidence of this event? Describe it in relation to this tale. 

➜ The next time, the little child reappears in one of the garden’s corners. The giant is quite old and feeble at that time. The child appears this time to favour the giant who once had favoured him to play in his garden. The giant keeps on searching and waiting for the little child. He is in reafairylity alive only to meet the enchanted little child. Finally, after the little child’s words, he dies in the very afternoon. 

B. The story makes use of personification as one of the main figures of speech. Cite three examples of personification from the story. What is the significance of the seasons personified in the story?  

➜ Here, the writer has perfectly used a figure of speech. The three examples of personification are the Snow, the Frost and the north wind. The significance of the seasons personified in the story is that they are related to nature and play a very vital role in transforming the giant’s garden with a unique force against bad deeds. 

C. This story can be read as a fairytale, where the children, the seasons, the tree, the corner of the garden, the snow, the wind and the frost are all used as symbolism. Interpret those symbols. 

➜ Here, the spring season symbolizes happiness whereas the winter season symbolizes suffering. The tree symbolizes the identity of the child as Christ. The corner of the garden symbolizes the sacred place of God from where redemption is possible. The snow, the wind and the frost symbolize unique force against bad deeds. 

D. Which figure of speech is used for ‘winter, frost, snow, north wind, hail and little child’? Who is the little child compared to? 

➜ Here in this short story, we find the perfect use of personification. Here, winter, frost, snow, north wind, hail and little child have been wonderfully personified. Among these, winter, frost and snow have been personified as feminine gender with unique force. They have done their tasks against the giant’s acts. The north wind, hail and little child have been personified as masculine gender with powers. 

The little child is compared to the Christian God ‘Lord Jesus’ here in this story. This little child has been presented with divine powers who has the power to change each and everything. Due to his presence, the garden has been bloomed with beautiful leaves and flowers. The signs of two nails on the palms and feet of the little child have reminded us of the crucifixion of Lord Jesus. 

 Reference beyond the text  

  1. What is the main theme of this story?  

 There are various themes here in this story as arrogance, consequences of selfishness, love and compassion, the concept of salvation etc. Good deeds are always rewarded whereas bad deeds are always punished. Here, we simply find the arrogance of the giant and his selfishness against the children which have brought bad results for him. But, due to his good deeds, he has got a fine platform to reach outside. 

  1. Does God punish those who are cruel to children and very selfish? 

 Yes, God punishes those who are cruel to and very selfish. Children are supposed to be very innocent and babies of God. They are known for their simplicity. Their presence is the sign of good omen. We can get a fine example from this story about God’s punishment to the giant. He feels guilty himself for his bad deeds.

   2. The Oval Portrait 

   -Edgar Allan Poe 


The narrator is wounded for unknown reasons. He takes shelter along with his servant in a deserted mansion in the Apennines. They establish themselves in one of the rooms. The narrator shows deep interest in the bizarre paintings decorating the walls of the room. At around midnight, he adjusts a candlestick in the room and sees a portrait he didn’t notice before. The picture is in an oval-shaped frame. It reveals the head and shoulders of a young woman. The narrator is charmed by the portrait, which seems so lively. But he soon gets appalled by it. He turns to the book and reads the information about the portrait. He discovers that the woman depicted in it is the young bride of the artist. She is a perfect wife in every respect. But she is jealous of her husband’s art that diverts him from her. The artist paints a picture of his wife, and becomes more obsessed with capturing her likeness. The wife remains in a humble and obedient pose for many weeks. Her health becomes increasingly poor as the work continues. He stops paying attention to her and becomes more preoccupied with the painting. When the portrait is about to finish, the artist is delighted with the quality of his own work. He then looks at his wife, but finds that she is dead. 

Understanding the text 

  1. Where did the narrator and his servant make forcible entrance? 

#They made forcible entrance into the chateau. 

  1. Which special picture did the narrator notice in the room? 

# He noticed the picture of a young girl. 

  1. Describe the portrait that the narrator saw in the room. 

# The portrait was in an oval-shaped frame. It revealed the head and shoulders of the young woman. The arms, the bosom, and even the ends of the radiant hair dissolved untracably into the unclear yet deep shadow which formed the background of the whole. 

  1. What is the relationship between the portrait painter and its subject? 

# They are husband and wife. 

Reference to the context 

  1. What is the central theme of the story? Who is the woman depicted in the oval portrait? 

# The story “The Oval Portrait” deals with the theme of relationship between art and life. Art and obsession to it are showed as killers and responsible for the young bride’s death. In this context, art is equivalent to death. The association between art and life is considered as rivalry. In the story it is suggested that art can reveal the artist’s guilt or evil and may even destroy the life. 

The woman depicted in the oval portrait is the wife of the painter and the victim of the painter’s passion for the portrait. 

  1. “The Oval Portrait” is a short horror story by Edgar Allan Poe involving disturbing circumstances surrounding a  portrait in a Chateau. Elaborate. 

# The story “The Oval Portrait” is a short horror story with its dark setting and mood of the narration. It is set in a gloomy abandoned mansion. Although the mansion is deserted, it contains objects of a dark and mysterious past – such as the oval portrait itself. The image of the remote abandoned chateau is given a hint of mystery and gloom. The antiquity of the interior where its walls are decorated with tapestry and manifold and multiform armorial trophies, and a great number of spirited modern paintings. The dark setting and shadowy circumstances of the prior events provide the impression that the story has a bizarre twist. The reader’s anticipation of mystery is sustained by the appearance of a lifelike portrait of a woman in one of the darker nooks of the mysterious room. 

  1. The Oval Portrait suggests that the woman’s beauty condemns her to death. Discuss. 

# The references of the painting state that the young lady in the portrait is very beautiful. She loses her life because her husband compels her to sit for many weeks in an attempt to make the most beautiful portrait of her. Though the lady sits next to her husband, he is so immersed in his painting to create a beautiful portrait of his wife. But he doesn’t realize his wife’s life withdrawing from her body slowly. It reveals the sad reality of the husband’s failure to witness the beauty of his wife. As he was an artist, he wants to treasure it in the form of a portrait. In this way, her beauty condemns her to own death. 

  1. Discuss the story as a frame narrative (a story within a story) 

# The Oval Portrait is a frame narrative, or a story that contains another story. In the first part of the story, we encounter the unnamed narrator, who is injured and stranded at night for unknown reasons. He along with his companion and servant, Pedro, take shelter in an abandoned mansion. The narrator stays awake while his servant sleeps. He is captivated by the paintings on the bedroom wall and studies a book containing their history. Noticing a lifelike painting of a young woman, he reads about it in the book. 

In the second section, the narrator tells how a beautiful woman marries a painter who is completely absorbed in his work. Although she doesn’t love this, she agrees to sit for a portrait, a process that takes many weeks. As the portrait nears completion, the lady grows increasingly weak. In placing the final touches of his masterpiece on the canvas, he suddenly realizes that she is dead. 

  1. The story is told in a descriptive style, with plenty of imagery and symbolism. Which images and symbols do you find in the story? 

# The mansion is abandoned and worn-out. The turret room is in a remote section of the mansion. The room is rich in decorations, but they are tattered and antique. The walls are full of tapestries, trophies, and spirited modern paintings. This vivid description of the mansion provides the gothic image. Likewise, the descriptions of the portrait describe how real and beautiful it is. Although she is dead, she is painted so life-like in the portrait. 

The dark gloominess of the abandoned house is a classic background for a gothic story. The painter is the symbol of the fanaticism. The woman in the oval portrait, is the victim of painter’s passion for art. The oval portrait symbolizes the immortality of art. The frame is the symbol of the general objectification she faced as a physically attractive woman. 

  1. What does the expression “she was dead!” mean? 

# The expression ‘She was dead!’ means the painter’s realization of the death of his beloved because of his devotion to the portrait. His wife remains in an obedient pose for many weeks. As the work continues her health becomes increasingly poor. However, the painter does not notice the worsening condition of his wife, continuing to paint desperately, without taking his eyes off the canvas. Given the last brush stroke, the painter is delighted with the liveliness of his creation, but turning to his wife, he realizes that she is dead. 

Reference beyond the text  

  1. Do you think there is life in art? 

 I don’t think there is life in art. Art is just a creation to display which has meanings related to different things. But, in a literal sense, artists create life in art. They try to find out life within the art. 

  1. As a thing of art nothing could be more admirable than the painting itself. Explain. 

 This statement is absolutely right about painting. Painting is really a very admirable form of art. The painters really work hard to create quality paintings with meanings. The painting itself speaks in its literal manner. Painting provides us with facts related to life. Here in this story, the oval portrait is one of the finest examples which has startled the narrator. He feels completely puzzled to see that painting. He wants to know about its and painter. 

  1. A more intense look at the painting reveals the illusion. Have you noticed any such painting? 

 Yes, I have noticed such painting. The painting becomes more meaningful when it is watched by the viewer who is passionate about paintings. But, for those viewers who don’t have an idea about paintings find illusion all the time. In my case, I watched a typical painting for a long time but I didn’t get meanings about it. I tried a lot to grasp its meaning but vain. Later on, I got its meaning from my friend. 

3. God Sees the Truth but Waits 

       -Leo Tolstoy 


In the Russian town of Vladimir, Ivan Dmitrich Aksionov lives as a successful merchant with his wife and young children. One summer, as Aksionov sets off for Nizhy Fair to sell his goods, Aksionov’s wife warns him not to go, for she has had a nightmare in which he returned with grey hair. Aksionov laughs off her concern that the nightmare was a premonition and interprets the dream as a sign of luck. 

Halfway to the town, Aksionov encounters a fellow merchant, with whom he stops for the night at an inn. The men have tea together and sleep in adjoining rooms. Aksionov rises before dawn and sets off with his horses and coachman while the air is cool. After twenty-five miles, he stops to feed his horses. 

During this break, two soldiers and an official arrive and begin questioning Aksionov about his relationship with the man he had tea with the night before. The merchant was found dead with his throat slit. Since the two rooms were next to each other, it seems only natural that Aksionov might know something. Aksionov trembles in fear when the official searches his belongings and removes a knife streaked with blood. 

The men bind and arrest Aksionov. His wife visits him in jail and faints at the sight of him dressed as a criminal. He says they must petition the czar, to which she says she has already tried to no avail. She asks him if he committed the murder, and Aksionov weeps. If even his wife suspects him, he thinks after she leaves, then only God knows the truth and it is only to God that he should appeal. 

He puts his faith in God and accepts his sentencing and ceremonial flogging. He is sent to work in the Siberian mines. Over twenty-six years in Siberia, Aksionov transforms into a pious old man. His hair turns white, his beard grows long, he walks with difficulty, and he never laughs. He prays often and, among other prisoners, he develops a reputation as a meek and fair man. 

One day a newly arrived inmate named Makar Semyonich, who is about the same age as Aksionov and from the same hometown, gives an account of what brought him to Siberia. He was suspected of stealing a horse when in reality he had only borrowed it. Nevertheless, he was convicted and imprisoned. The irony is that he had gotten away with doing something much worse earlier in his life. 

Aksionov suspects the man is responsible for framing him. He questions Semyonich, who cryptically responds in a way that confirms Aksionov’s suspicion. Aksionov remembers everything he has lost and is plunged into misery; he longs for a way to get revenge but resolves to stay away from the man or even look in his direction. After two weeks, unable to sleep, Aksionov takes a walk near the prison to discover Semyonich digging a tunnel under his sleeping shelf. Semyonich angrily offers Aksionov escape and threatens to kill him should he tell the authorities about the tunnel. Aksionov says Semyonich has already taken his life, and he shall do as God directs him. 

Soldiers discover the tunnel the next day. The governor arrives to question prisoners, none of whom admit to knowing anything about the tunnel. After wrestling with his desire for vengeance, Aksionov declines to say what he knows about Semyonich’s involvement, even if it means that he will be punished himself. 

That night, Aksionov is about to nod off in his bunk when Semyonich sits down beside him. Semyonich bends over and whispers a plea for forgiveness. He confesses that it was he who killed the other merchant and stole his money; he then planted the knife so that Aksionov would become the suspect. He falls to his knees and begs for forgiveness, promising to confess to the crimes so that Aksionov will go free. The old man replies that his life is already over and he has nowhere to go. 

At the sight of Semyonich’s tears, Aksionov weeps himself. Semyonich begs again for forgiveness. Aksionov tells him that God will forgive him, and that perhaps he himself is a hundred times worse. Having said this, Aksionov feels a lightness enter his body. He no longer desires to go home or leave the prison; he wants only to die. 

The story ends with Semyonich confessing to the governor. By the time the officials arrange Aksionov’s release, Aksionov has already died. 

Understanding the text  

Answer these questions. 

  1. What bad habits did Aksionov have before his marriage? 

 Aksionov was a very handsome and jovial person who used to seek his happiness. Before marriage, he had very bad habits of drinking alcohol and involving in fights. He used to drink much and become riotous. 

  1. What can be the meaning of his wifes dream? 

 The meaning of his wife dream can be a sign of bad omen. In her dream, she had seen her husband returning his town with grey hair. She became quite afraid of her husband. She supposed the dream as a sign of evil. 

  1. Why did Aksionov think of killing himself? 

 Aksionov thought of killing himself because he remembered all those harsh situations which he had faced in his life without committing any crime. He remembered his torture, the people around him while he was in chains, the convicts, twenty-six years of imprisonment, his premature old age etc. All these painful thoughts made him so wretched that he was ready to kill himself. 

  1. Why did Makar disclose that he had killed the merchant? 

 Makar disclosed that he had killed the merchant because he felt ashamed of himself. He felt pity over AksionovAksionov saved Makar from the governor though he was a victim of Makar’s crime. The act of Aksionov made Makar feel ashamed and disclose his crime.  

  1. Why doesnAksionov wish to return to his family at the end of the story? 

 Aksionov doesn’t wish to return his family at the end of the story because he has become quite Old. He has spent his entire life in prison without committing any crime. He is feeble too at this age. He desires to die in the prison instead of going to his family. 

 Reference to the context  

  1. Well, old man, repeated the Governor, tell me the truth: who has been digging under the wall? 

  1. Who is that old man? 

 That old man is Aksionov who has spent his twenty-six years in prison.  

  1. Which truth is the speaker asking about? 

  The truth of digging an escape hole. 

  1. Which wall does the speaker mean? 

 The speaker means the prison’s wall. 

  1. Describe Aksionovs character. 

 Ivan Dmitrich Aksionov was a young wealthy merchant in the town of Vladimir in Russia. He had two shops and a house. He was a handsome man with fair-curly hair. He was full of fun and very fond of singing. He used to drink much before marriage but later on, he changed himself and became a good man. He had virtuous qualities such as faith, forgiveness, freedom and acceptance. He was accused of murdering a fellow merchant and robbing him. He suffered a lot in prison and spent his twenty-six years waiting for God’s judgement. He was also mentally strong because he was able to endure many unfortunate events, such as losing his home and his business. Finally, he displayed a strong religious devotion by growing closer to God during difficult times. He was a truthful man, holding his peace till the end but circumstances changed his fate and he died in prison at last. 

  1. What is the theme of the story? 

 We find various themes here in this story “God Sees the Truth, but Waits”. The major themes in the story are guilt, forgiveness, faith, conflict, freedom and acceptance. The story has presented all these themes. Among these themes, forgiveness is one of the greatest themes. Here, we find forgiveness of Aksionov for Makar Semyonich. Although Aksionov has spent his twenty-six years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit, he is able to forgive Makar who committed the crime. This story has shown the best form of revenge which is forgiveness. 

  1. Which symbols are used in the story and what do they indicate? 

 Answer: We find the use of many symbols here in this story. Following are the symbols used in the Story: 1. House and Shops: House and shops symbolize the earthly material possession which doesn’t favour anyone and remain forever. Aksinonov doesn’t get the support of his possession till the end.  

2. Nightmare (grey hair): The terrible dream of Aksionov’s wife symbolizes the terrible fate of Aksionov. The story has presented the bad results of the nightmare. The grey hair in the dream turns out to be real in Aksionov’s life.  

3. The prison: The prison itself is a symbol of Aksionov’s suffering and his eventual spiritual transformation. Prison is the place where he finds pains, tortures and even spiritual transformation.  

4. Book (The Lives of the Saints): This is the symbol of religious transformation within Aksionov Due to this book Aksionov devotes his life towards God and keeps faith till the end. 

 Reference beyond the text  

a.What role does religion play in Aksionov’s life? How does he undergo a spiritual transformation in the story? 

➜ Religion plays a very vital role in Aksionov’s life. He has spent his whole life in Siberian prison expecting for the right judgement of God. After being suspected by his wife, he gives up all his hopes and tells himself that God only knows the truth. For twenty-six years as a convict in Siberia, he grows older. In prison, Aksionov works hard and learns to make boots. He earns a little money with which he buys the book ‘The Lives of the Saints’. He devotes his life in the name of religion being much faithful on God. He starts reading and singing this book in the prison’s church on Sundays. He realizes about various aspects of life, fate in connection with the religion. The prison authorities even like him for his meekness. His fellow-prisoners respect him and call him “Grandfather” or “The Saint.” He knows about fate, spirituality, God’s devotion, righteous path, acceptance, forgiveness etc. He keeps on showing his truthfulness. He meets the real murderer of the merchant but remains silent. He even saves the convict from the governor. He gets self-realization and forgives Makar at the end. Aksionov realizes that forgiveness is the path to peace. He obtains peace at last and dies. In this way, we find him and his life-transforming from materialism to spiritualism only because of religion. 

b.What does the story tell us about the existence of unfair system of justice? 

➜ The story tells us about the existence of an unfair system of justice through the main protagonist’s incident of life. Here in this story, a good and innocent man is wrongly imprisoned on a charge of murder, punished for 26 years and made to lose everything and his entire life for no fault or crime of his own, but only based on evidence. He suffers a lot entire his life but get self-realization and dies peacefully at last. 

4. The Wish  

                         Roald Dahl 

Understanding the text  

Answer the following questions 

a. What did the child do to the scab on his knee. 

  The child examined his knee cap’s scab at first. He pondered much and decided to pick it up. He gently picked that scab with his fingernail and put it on his thigh. Finally, he flipped it with his finger. 

  1. What kind of effect did the carpet have on the child? 

 The child becomes extremely amazed to see the red carpet. He had never really noticed it before in such a way. The different colours of carpet seemed to brighten mysteriously and spring out at him in a most dazzling way. He was thoroughly lost in those colours and his imagination. 

c. What was he afraid of while walking across the carpet? 

 While walking across the carpet, he was afraid of red and black coloured spots of the carpet. He supposed the colours of carpet as different things in his imagination. He thought the red colour spots as the lumps of burning coals and the black colour spots as the black poisonous snakes. He was afraid to be burnt down as well as bitten by burning coals and poisonous snakes during its journey. So, he stepped very carefully only on yellow coloured spots which he thought to be a safe zone. 

d. What motivated and encouraged the child to start and continue on his journey? 

 His wish of getting a puppy on his birthday or as a birthday gift motivated and encouraged the child to start and continue on his journey. 

  1. What did the child see as he looked down on the black patterns of the carpet? 

 The child saw different colours brightening mysteriously. He was lost in different colours’ spots. He kept on thinking in his imagination about the colours and their different forms.  

Hence, the child saw the poisonous snake with the oily body of snake arising to catch or bite him as he looked down on the black patterns of the carpet. 

 Reference to the context  

  1. The writer creates two voices in the story. Who are they? 

 Yes, the writer creates two voices in the story and they were (a narrator) and the voice of the young boy i.e the child. 

  1. Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow. 

 “…the black parts are snakes, poisonous snakes, adders mostly, and cobras, thick like tree-trunks around the middle, and if I touch one of them, I’ll be bitten and I’ll die before tea time. And if I get across safely, without being burnt and without being bitten, I will be given a puppy for my birthday tomorrow.” 

i. What does ‘the black part’ mean? 

➜ The black part means the difficulty, challenges and suffering in the journey. 

ii. Who is the speaker? 

➜ The speaker was a young boy i.e the child. 

iii. Why  doesn’t the speaker want to be burnt?                                                                                                     The speaker doesn’t want to be burnt because he wants to get a birthday gift as a puppy tomorrow. 

  1. Which images and metaphors are used in the story? 


i.  Scab (knee of the boy) 

- It represents the boy’s curiosity, desire, interest to go ahead in his journey. 

ii. Black parts of carpet (snake) 

-It depicts hardship, difficulty, suffering and troubling in life. 

Iii. Red patches (fire) 

-It shows about fire i.e danger because it can burn a little child. 

iv. Yellow patches (happiness) 

-The yellow patches of the carpet represents relief, pleasure, hopefulness, happiness, and self-confidence in his life. 


The carpet represents a conflict in his life. He may be unable to take the right decision or choose the right option. We may suffer a lot due to the wrong choice. If we go with the right option, it leads to the right path and we do not have to feel any difficulty in our life. Otherwise, we will suffer if we take the wrong decision or path at the wrong time. 

  1. Summarise the short story “The Wish” in about 200 words. 

This short story “The Wish” has been written by an English writer Ronald Dahl. This story is completely based on the imagination of the main character who is a child. This story has presented imaginative acts of this main character in an imaginative game of a red carpet. This story itself is a fictitious story where the characters are unnamed. This story has also mentioned this main character’s mother at the end of the story.  

The title “The Wish” has created confusion among the readers. Here the main character has expected to get a puppy in his birthday after coming across the red carpet and reaching inside safely. But the long for the puppy in Birthday finishes as the child falls in the black spot of the carpet and loses his imaginative game.  

This story has presented the setting of house front door’s stairs and inside the hall where the huge red carpet has been placed. This imaginative game is about crossing the hall’s red carpet stepping on the right colours and been placed. This imaginative game is about crossing the hall’s red carpet stepping on the right colours and reaching inside from outside front door’s stairs.  

  1. The story shows the events through the eyes of the narrator and the child. Comparing the two styles, who presents a more interesting or effective view for the readers? Why? 

 The child represents the story in more interesting and effective where are view than the narrator because the child was a hardship. He faces and won all the challenges. Birthday gift as a puppy motivated and encouraged him to continue his journey. He was strong enough to complete his journey. Not only he faced all the challenges, but he also won them too. 

  1. Is “The Wish” a story about self-confidence overcoming fear or about greed? Give your arguments. 

 “The Wish” story is all about self-confidence and overcoming fear. We can take this story as a motivational story too because the child completed his journey or challenges as birthday gift encouraged him. The child seems fearful while watching his scab. He thinks much about picking it. He raises many questions with himself. He picks out his scab being panic. But when he sees the carpet his fear increases high. He imaginatively makes a game plan. He gathers his confidence to cross the carpet. He creates his obstacles supposing the colours as coals and snakes. He even puts his goal across the carpet. He moves on bravely on the carpet wishing for a puppy on his birthday as a birthday gift. He tries his best to overcome his fear. His self-confidence and his wish end as he falls down in black colours. 

 Reference beyond the text  

  1. Do you think our wish can be fulfilled? Why or why not? 

 Not all the wants, desire and wishes are fulfilled. We need hard and complicated practise to fulfil our wish, want, desire, interest. We should be calm while making every decision. The right decision leads to the right path that only can fulfil our needs and desire. 

When we desire something that is called wish. Hard work is needed for wish to be fulfilled. But all our desire can’t be fulfilled at all. All are not happy because their wish and desire are not fulfilled and when the wish will not fulfil they will be upset. Almighty helps in every condition. 

Therefore, to fulfil our wish, needs, desire and satisfaction we should practice a lot then only we can be happy. 

  1. Why do you think some people might have a frightening nature? What would you suggest to them to overcome it? 

 Some people might have a frightening nature because they do not have self-confidence. 

I would suggest the following points to overcome it: 

- Learn more about your fear, this first step can be the hardest one but it’s also absolutely necessary. 

- Use your imagination in positive ways. 

- Use your brain in a different way than usual. 

- Focus on your breathing. 

- Practice mindfulness. 

- Use nature as your therapist. 

c. Write a folktale that you have heard or read. 

➜ Folktale (Nepali: Dantya Katha) is a story originating in popular culture, typically passed on by word of mouth. Write one you have heard or read. 

 Q. Write a detailed summary of the story “The Wish.” The story shows the events through the eyes of the narrator and the child. Comparing the two styles, who presents more interesting or effective view for the readers? Why? Is “The Wish” a story about self-confidence overcoming fear or about greed? 

In “The Wish,” a boy uses his imagination to travel across a red, black, and yellow carpet that he pretends has treacherous parts, motivating himself with the fantasy of receiving a puppy if he is successful. The child’s point of view is more interesting and effective than the narrator’s, because it is vivid and suspenseful. The story is primarily about self-confidence overcoming fear rather than about greed. 

In “The Wish,” a boy pulls a scab painlessly off his knee and flings it away. It lands in the distance on a carpet in the hall of his house that is in a pattern of red, black, and yellow. 

The boy decides that the red parts of the carpet are burning coals and the black parts snakes. He decides that only the yellow areas are safe and makes up a story that if he can get to the front door walking only on the yellow parts, avoiding the coals and the snakes, he will be rewarded with a puppy. He is doing well when he loses his balance and his hand falls on a black “snake.” He cries out. 

The story ends cryptically with his mother looking for him behind the house. Because of the ending, some critics interpret the story not as a boy crossing a carpet pretending it is a dangerous swamp but as a boy gathering courage to cross a swamp by pretending it is a carpet. 

The child presents a more interesting view for the reader because he is so imaginative. The scene before him as witnessed through his emotionally invested mind is vivid and suspenseful. For example, we feel as if we are with the boy in an immediate way in the following passage as we experience it through his consciousness: 

The snake stirred as though sensing his nearness, and raised its head and gazed at the foot with bright beady eyes, watching to see if it was going to touch. “I’m not touching you! You mustn’t bite me! You know I’m not touching you!” 

This is a story about self-confidence overcoming fear. We could argue that the boy is motivated by greed—wanting the dog—but that seems secondary to the desire to face and overcome a challenges. The boy, after all, knows that he is not really going to be rewarded with a puppy. 

  5. Civil Peace  

                              - Chinua Achebe 



Jonathan Iwegbu has survived the Nigerian Civil War along with his wife and three of his four children, and thus considers himself “extraordinarily lucky”. He also treasures his still-working bicycle, which he buried during the war to ensure it would not be stolen. Another apparent miracle is his still-standing home, which he repairs and re-occupies after returning home to the capital city of Enugu. To explain both his good and bad fortune to himself and others, he often repeats the phrase: “Nothing puzzles God.” 

Jonathan works hard in the aftermath of the war, using his bicycle to start a taxi service and opening a bar for soldiers. His family mirrors his example, cooking food and picking fruit for sale. Since the coal mine where Jonathan worked before the war has not reopened, this resilience is crucial towards securing even their minor comfort. 

One day, after turning over rebel currency, Jonathan is given an award of 20 pounds. He takes care not to be robbed, remembering a theft he observed several days earlier, in which a man broke down in public over the indignity. 

That night, a group of thieves knocks on his door demanding money. Frightened, the family calls for the neighbors and police, but the heavy silence when they finish reminds them that nobody looks out for anyone but himself. The thieves then mock them, crying out even louder to indicate how helpless the family is. 

The thief leader demands 100 pounds, promising not to hurt Jonathan or his family if he cooperates. Eventually, Jonathan realizes their lack of options, and gives the thieves the 20 pounds of reward money so they will leave the family unharmed. Some thieves insist they should search the house for more, but the thief leader believes this is all Jonathan has, and accepts it. 

The next morning, Jonathan and the family are back at work as the neighbors arrive. Sensing their confusion over his ability to toss off the situation of the night before, Jonathan explains to his neighbors that the reward money cannot compare to what he lost in the war. He chooses to focus on his work in the present rather than regret what has happened, since “Nothing puzzles God.” 

Understanding the text  

Answer the following questions. 

  1. Why did Jonathan think of himself as ‘extraordinarily lucky’? 

 In the story, Jonathan thought himself is extraordinary lucky because he and his family with his house were saved in the Nigerian war. Moreover, he got his bicycle back and could repair his house cheaply. 

  1. What are the ‘five blessings’ for which Jonathan is grateful? 

 The “five inestimable blessings” were his head, his wife Maria’s head and the heads of 3 out of their four children for which Jonathan is very grateful. 

  1. Why did Jonathan mistrust the officer who wanted to take his bicycle? What does this tell you about the situation in Nigeria? 

 Jonathan mistrusted the officer who wanted to take his bicycle because the officer easily accepted bribe exchange of his bicycle. He knew about the character of the officer through his acts of gripping the bicycle. This tells us that the situation in Nigeria was so worse where government officers were  also corrupted who expected their profit from the citizens in the name of the law. 

Hence, Jonathan mistrusted  the officer because he was not confident in saying. It tells about the lack of trust because of War and poverty and lack of peace in Nigeria. 

  1. What visitors might be at the door? Are Jonathan and his wife completely surprised? Explain. 

 The Knock at the door is hard late at night.  When Jonathan calls out to access about the visitors, he gets the reply from the visitors.  So the visitors might be the thieves who have come so late at night to rob money. 

Jonathan and his wife are completely surprised. They even become fearful because they haven’t been awakened so late at night in such a way before. 

  1. Why does no one in the neighbourhood respond when the thieves pound on Jonathan’s door? Why do the thieves call for the police? 

 Yes, No one in the neighbourhood responds when the thieves pound on  Jonathan’s door because the neighbours were also feeling the same terror or fear as Jonathan’s family members. 

The thieves call for the police because they know very well that no one will come to support Jonathan’s family. 

 Reference to the context  

  1. What does Jonathan mean by his expression “Nothing puzzles God”? What does this expression reveal about his character? Explain by citing details from the story. 

 In the story “Civil Peace”,  Jonathan uses this expression “Nothing puzzles God” whenever something miraculous happens with him. He uses this line when he gets his bicycle back in a fine condition out of the ground. Next, He uses it when he finds his house still standing after the war. By “Nothing puzzles God”,  he means that anything can happen but almighty God, being omniscient, is not surprised and even possible by anything.  He means to say that God knows each and everything. The last time he uses it at the end of the story after his family is robbed of the ex-gratia.  This expression reveals, shows, depicts, represents that he is quite an optimistic person who has been a belief of Almighty God.  He feels too delighted to get miracles in his life. This expression also reveals that he is a good person who enjoys everything he has but never laments on his losses. 

Therefore, his character is  optimistic/ hopeful nature to believe in God and thinks that there will be good for tomorrow. 

  1. How does Jonathan change as he experiences the conflicts in his life? Explain. 

 Jonathan is a hardworking person who believes in his hard labour as well as god the most. He is quite an optimistic person who never loses his hope.  He has experienced many conflicts in his life.  He has lost his child during the war but he believes himself lucky to get 5 inestimable blessings.  Jonathan keeps on doing his hard labour for the sake and welfare of his family keeping faith or believes in God.  He changes according to the demands of the time and his own family needs. 

  1. Read the extract and answer the questions below. 

“To God who made me; if you come inside and find one hundred pounds, take it and shoot me and shoot my wife and children. I swear to God. The only money I have in this life is this twenty pounds egg-rasher they gave me today …” 

i Who is the speaker? 

➜ The speaker was Jonathon. 

ii.  Who is the speaker talking to? 

➜ The speaker is talking to the thieves or robbers. 

iii. Who does “they” refer to? 

➜ “They” refers to the government.  

  1. Nigerian English has words like soja ‘soldier’ and katakata ‘confusion’, ‘trouble’ derived apparently from English words but transformed by native languages’ phonologies. What does the author’s use of dialect here add to the story? 

 Nigerian English has words like Soja “soldier” and katakata “confusion”, “trouble” derived apparently from English words but transformed by Native language phonologies. 

 The author added dialects here in the story because of the following points: 

- To focus on the native language; 

- To promote the dialects; 

-To know the status of living people in Nigeria and, 

- To promote the nationality.  

  1. Why do you think the thieves who come to rob Jonathan speak English with a heavier African accent than Jonathan does? 

 I think the thieves who came to rob Jonathan speak English with a heavier African accent then Jonathan because of the following points: 

> To show that they were (white) American. 

> To show that they were powerful. 

To be believed by the Africans people that they know the English language. 

To show that they were superior and strong enough. 

  1. The title of the story “Civil Peace” itself is ironical as there is little to differentiate ‘civil peace’ from ‘civil war’. Do you think that the title of this story is appropriate, or would “Civil War” have been a better title? Explain. 

 Yes, the story is ironical. This title of this story is inappropriate because of the following reasons: 

i The people living in Nigeria could not trust the government public servant, a police officer as he was corrupt a lot. 

ii.  Life of the people did not change. There was difficult to join hands in mouth. Most of the people were living under the poverty line. 

iii.  After the ending of the War in Nigeria,  Robbery did not stop or wasn’t controlled by the government. 

So, the title of this story “Civil War” would be better. 

 Reference beyond the text  

a.   How would you describe the civil peace in Nigeria? 

➜ The condition of the Civil Peace in Nigeria wasn’t good. After the war, the time of the civil peace was the time of the resettlement.  There was nothing new for the people.  People had to face various problems during that time.  The government’s law during that time was not  good.  There were many risks in people’s life.  Thieves used tloot and beat people without having any fear of law.  Though the civil peace prevailed there, there was anarchy everywhere. 

  1. What kind of attitude towards life do you think you would have if your situation was similar to that of Jonathan’s? 

 I would be optimist, hopeful and ready to face all the challenges.  I would be helpful to every people.  I would follow the right path, take the right decision, believe in God and many more… 

  1. Draw the character sketch of Jonathan Iwegbu. 

 Jonathan is quite an optimistic person who has been faith in God. He always utters a line in the name of god saying that “ Nothing puzzles God”.  He becomes quite delighted to find miracles in his life. He never lives in disparity. He is a hardworking person who thinks positively for everyone. He loves his family members much.  At the time of hardship, he tries to save his family first.  During the time of civil peace, he works so hard to restore his life and his family.  His wife and his kids also work so hard to support him.  He really enjoys his present, giving value to his relative as well as his belongings.   He never regrets his loss. He starts the taxi service, repairs his house, opens a bar for soldiers to support his family. 

As an optimistic person,  he doesn’t regret losing his 20 pounds which he had got as a favour from the government. 

Hence,  Jonathan Iwegbu was the protagonist central character of the story.  He was an ex-miner who was very labouriours, and resourceful. He was also the responsible head of the family to inspire his family with optimism. 

      6. Two Little Soldiers 

                                -Guy de Maupassant 


Luc and Jean are two soldiers who habitually spend their free time on Sundays away from the barracks, out in the countryside. Their day off has taken on the character of a ritual. Every Sunday, they bring food for breakfast to the same spot in the woods and lie back to enjoy the food, wine, and sights of an area that reminds them of home. 

Eventually, their ritual comes to include a bit of innocent ogling of a young village girl who brings her cow out to pasture every week at the same time. One Sunday, however, the girl speaks to them on her way to the pasture, and when she returns later, she shares the cow’s milk with them and leaves them with a promise to meet the following Sunday. 

The next weekend, Jean suggests that they bring something for her. They settle on candy as an appropriate present, but when the girl arrives, both are too shy to tell her that they have brought something. Finally, Luc tells the girl of the treat, and Jean, who always carries the provisions, give the bonbons to her. 

As the weeks pass, the girl becomes the topic of conversation for these soldiers as they spend time at the barracks, and the three become fast friends. The girl begins to share their Sunday breakfast meal and appears to devote equal attention to the two recruits. 

Then, in an uncharacteristic move, Luc seeks leave on a Tuesday, and again the following Thursday. He borrows money from Jean on that day but offers no explanation for his behavior. Jean lends the money. 

The following Sunday, when the girl appears with the cow, she immediately rushes up to Luc and they embrace ardently. Jean is hurt because he is left out and does not understand why the girl has suddenly turned all of her attention to Luc. Luc and the girl go off to care for the cow and disappear into the woods for a long time. Jean is stupefied. When they return, the lovers kiss again, and the girl offers Jean a kind “Good evening” before going away. 

Neither soldier speaks of the incident, but as they return to their barracks they stop momentarily on the bridge over the Seine. Jean leans over toward the water, farther than he should in Luc’s judgment, then suddenly tumbles into the torrent. Luc can do nothing; he watches in anguish as his good friend drowns. 

Understanding the text   

Answer these questions. 

a. Why  do the two soldiers spend their free time on Sundays away from the barrack out in the countryside? 

 The two soldiers spend their free time on Sundays away from the barracks out in the countryside because they had seen a girl on their way who was a dairymaid. 


b. Why does the girl become the topic of conversation for these soldiers? 

 The girl becomes the topic of conversation for these soldiers because they both fell in love with the girl. 

c.  Why does deception enter into their friendship? 

➜ As both the friends were attracted to the girl, Luc started visiting the girl even on Tuesday and didn’t return until ten O’clock. Similarly, on Friday also he borrowed some money from one of his friends and went to visit the girl. This made Jean worried about their friendship. He found that Luc was deceiving him. 

  1. Do you think that Luc is a betrayer of friendship? 

 I think Luc is a betrayer of friendship. If he wasn’t a betrayer, he would inform his friend Jean while going out from the barrack to meet the girl on the working days like Tuesday and Friday. 

  1. What is the cause of suicide of Jean? Do you think that it was the only release of his love? 

 The cause of suicide of Jean was the betrayal from his friend Luc and the love. I don’t think the cause of suicide was only the release of his love. Jean was jealous of the love affair of Luc and the dairymaid. 


Reference to the context  

a. What is the central theme of the story? 

 This short story “Two Little Soldiers” is a triangular love story which has been written by a French writer Guy de Maupassant. The story is about a bizarre triangular love which has a completely unexpected result at the end. This story shows the compatibility of friendship and romantic love with change, discontent, conflict, betrayal and jealousy. This story has presented the setting of Courbevoie, a town on the outskirts of Paris in the Fench countryside. The main characters here in this story are two French soldiers named Luc Le Ganidec and Jean Kerderen 

b. “What are you doing here? Are you watching the grass grow?” 

i. Who is the speaker? 

➜ The speaker is the milkmaid. 

ii. What does the word “here” indicate? 

➜ “Here” means the place where the two soldiers visit every weekend. 

  1. Who does “you” refer to? 

 “You” refers to two soldiers. 

  1. “He leaned—he—he was leaning—so far over—that his head carried him away—and—he—fell—he fell----” 

  1. Who is the speaker? 

 The speaker is Luc. 

ii.  Why is the speaker speaking with interruption? 

 The speaker is speaking with interruption because he is in pain and scared of the death of Jean. 

Iii. What  does he mean when he says “he—fell—he fell---”? 

 He means that Jean fell into the river. 

  1. Two Little Soldiers can be viewed as a series of dramatic scenes. Describe the story as tragedy. 

 This short story “Two Little Soldiers” is a bizarre dramatic triangular love story which has been ended with a tragic incident. Here in this story, we find jealousy, betrayal, romantic love with change, discontent as well as mental conflict. The milkmaid has created enmity between two friends. She has become the main cause of Jean’s fall down. We find both friends’ intimacy and their enjoyment during their weekends. But, after the entry of milkmaid in their life, deception starts playing its role. We find deceptive acts of Luc Le Ganidec. Due to these immoral as well as deceptive acts of both lovers, Jean suffers a lot. When he gets realization about their affair, he becomes so sad both physically and mentally. He wants to cry being desperate. He feels himself a fool. The deception of both lovers makes him heartbroken. He finds them quite indifferent towards him. He doesn’t reveal his painful feelings to them. He feels better to commit suicide than to stay with betrayers. The tragic death of Jean at the end of the story surprises the readers too. 

  1. What is the setting and style of the story? 

➜ Setting: “Two Little soldiers” takes place in Courbevoie, a town in the countryside of France. Although there is no combat in the story, there is a war going on. 

Style: Here in this story, the writer has applied a very realistic style of writing. Most of his writings include the events related to soldiers and war because he had spent his life in the army. He even preferred to write about love affairs. 

  1. How would you describe the conflict between the friends? 

 In most of love triangular relationships, conflicts are seen among the lovers. The nature of the conflict is different in different cases. Sometimes conflicts cross the limits and sometimes conflicts turn into life long jealousy as well as enmity. Here in this story, we find conflict between person to person. Both little soldiers’ attraction towards milkmaid reach so high. She becomes the major topic of discussion for them. Among the two friends’ relationship, deception takes an ugly entry through Luc Le Ganidec. Jean’s realization about their affair makes him angry as well jealous of both lovers. He feels himself being cheated and betrayed by his good friend Luc. Here, the conflict is seen in a very unexpressed way. The mental conflict of Jean can easily be noticed. The sole cause behind this conflict is the milkmaid and also the deceptive acts of Luc. Due to this hidden conflict, Jean has lost his life at the end. 

 Reference beyond the text  

a. Is it good to have conflict between friendship and love? Is it morally good that a person and his best friend can love the same person? 

➜ No, It is not good to have a conflict between friendship and love because these are the relationships which are very essential for an individual. True friends and loved ones always care for each other. They shed light on your qualities, both positive and bad, and improve self-esteem. Via laughter and good times, friends help relieve tension and hardship. They will help you move forward. 

As long as your love and intension are pure towards the person, it is not morally bad for two-person having the same feelings for the third one. Knowingly or Unknowingly, this type of condition may arise in a person’s life. Although it is not bad, possibilities are high for the problems to arise in the near future. So, the only solution is to talk with each other and solve the problem by controlling your emotions. 

b. How would you describe the triangular love? 

➜ This short story “Two Little Soldiers”  has presented the theme of friendship, romantic love, discontent, betrayal and jealousy. This short story is about a triangular love where the deception of a friend has created an unfortunate incident for the next friend.  

A triangular love (also called love triangle or a triangle of romance) is typically a romantic relationship involving three individuals. Although it can refer to two individuals romantically linked individually to a third, it typically indicates that each of the three individuals has some sort of relationship with the other two. It can be friendships, romantic, or family relationships. 

7. An Astrologer’s Day 

   -R. K. Narayan 


The story opens with an account of the place and environment in which an astrologer meets his clients and does his work. Every day he starts his work at midday, under a tamarind tree that is close to a public park in the town. 

The place which the astrologer chooses for his work is generally full of people who pass by or gather there. They are attracted by vendors of nuts, medicines, stolen hardware, etc. It is a place poorly lighted in the evening. The astrologer has to depend on lights coming from the flickering lamps kept by neighboring vendors because he has no light of his own. 

The astrologer knows nothing about astrology, but with his experience he manages to earn money which he carries home at the end of a day. He has a working analysis of the common problems of most people. He makes people believe that he has an unusual ability to tell people’s fortunes. 

One evening, the nuts- vendor blows out the light and is ready to go home. This compels the astrologer to leave the place. When he picks up his stuff and puts into a bag, a stranger stands before him. Seeing the opportunity for one more possible client, the astrologer invites the stranger to sit and chat. The stranger challenges saying that if the astrologer gives him the right answers for his questions, he will give him eight annas and if he fails, the astrologer will have to pay him back twice the amount. The astrologer happily accepts his challenge. But when he sees the stranger’s face from the light of a match stick, he feels very uncomfortable and quickly gives back anna he has taken. 

The stranger holds the astrologer in his grip and says that he can’t get out now. The astrologer finally agrees to speak for a rupee. He tells the stranger that he was once stabbed through the chest and left for dead. The stranger is excited at the information and exclaims that the only thing he wants to know from the astrologer is when he can find the assaulter. The astrologer instantly replies that the culprit had died being crushed under a lorry four months ago. The astrologer calls the stranger by his name ‘Guru Nayak’ and advises him to return to his hometown immediately as his life is in danger. He gives the astrologer money and leaves. 

The astrologer reaches home late night. His wife is very happy with his earning. But he is upset since he is cheated by Guru Nayak not paying him as much as promised. As they lie down to sleep, he reveals to his wife that he has got rid of a great burden. He confesses to his wife that in his youth he was into bad company. One day he drank, gambled and quarreled badly. He had a fight and stabbed Guru Nayak and left him for dead. He thought himself to be murderer. This was the reason why he fled from his home and started a new life in the town. But now he is content that he had not in fact taken a life. Satisfied by this, he goes to sleep. 

Understanding the text 

Answer the following questions. 

a. How does the astrologer’s appearance help him attract customers? How does he help the customers satisfy their needs? 

His forehead is bright with sacred ash and vermilion. His eyes are assumed to have a prophetic light by his customers. He wears a saffron turban. He presents himself so perfectly that he is a point of attraction for all the people. He helps the customers satisfy their needs with his working analysis of their troubles like marriage, money, etc. 

b. How do you characterise the astrologer’s attitude toward the stranger? 

The astrologer sees the stranger before him and perceives him to be his possible customer. 

c. What details does the astrologer give the stranger about his past? 

The astrologer tells the astrologer that he was stabbed by a knife and thrown into a well to die, and some passers-by saw him and saved from dying.  

d. Why does he advise the stranger to go home immediately? 

He advises the stranger to go home immediately to get rid of danger in his life. 

e.  What is your reaction to the conversation between the astrologer and his wife? 

I feel gratified that the astrologer has got rid of his guilt and fear and managed to earn a little extra money that day. I get struck by the picture of the simple lives these people lead. The astrologer’s whole collection of coins for one day is only enough to keep them alive until the next day. 

Reference to the context 

  1. Suspense is the feeling of anticipation you may have as you read. In this story, what details contributed to your feelings of suspense and surprise? Explain. 

The feeling of suspense is created about the personal and past life of the astrologer. The reader is told that he was not intended to be an astrologer. He left his village without any previous plan. The reader is also told that astrology is not his family business. This creates curiosity in the mind of the reader about the reason why he broke this ancestral cycle and was forced him to leave his home all of a sudden. The sense of suspense continues with the astrologer’s encounter with the stranger. The astrologer catches a glimpse of the stranger’s face in the flash of light created by the matchstick, and immediately disagrees to accept the stranger’s challenge. At the end of the story, the reader is surprised with revelation of the fact that the astrologer was the person who stabbed the stranger and left for dead when he was drunk during one of his days as a youngster. 

  1. Analyze the conflicts in “An Astrologer’s Day.” Explain how the conflicts are resolved and what they reveal about the characters involved in the story. 

In the story, conflict takes place when a stranger as the astrologer’s client, appears in the scene to be consulted. The astrologer is packing up his stuff and ready to call it a day. The stranger challenges the astrologer to provide specific answers for his questions. As the stranger lits his cheroot, he catches a glimpse of his face by the match light and for some unclear reasons the astrologer feels uncomfortable and rejects the challenge. But, he is forced to tell the stranger something that will satisfy him. The stranger is surprised to be told about his past life by the astrologer, and agrees to give up his search for his enemy who was declared to have been crushed under a lorry. The astrologer ensures a safe and secure life for himself hereafter. 

  1. “All right. I will speak. But will you give me a rupee if what I say is convincing? Otherwise I will not open my mouth, and you may do what you like.” 

iWho  is the speaker? 

The astrologer is the speaker. 

ii. Who is he speaking to? 

   He is speaking to Guru Nayak. 

 iii. What does the expression ‘open my mouth’ mean? 

   The expression ‘open my mouth’ means to utter some convincing information about the stranger. 

  1. Description helps readers visualize what is happening in a story. What details and techniques does the author use to describe the astrologer? 

The astrologer is an impressive character. He is able to develop a new personality and survive in a densely populated urban environment by using his intelligence. The astrologer lives by his wits. Despite having no mystical knowledge he knows how to put on a show to attract passers-by. It is obvious that he must sit for long hours in order to collect enough to keep himself and his family alive from day to day. In addition to his intelligence, he is courageous and determined. When he is dealing with Guru Nayak and his life is in danger, he still insists on bargaining for money. He brings every single anna home to his wife so that she can buy food for the family. He is a devoted husband and father. 

The story has the mode of third-person omniscience. The use of dialogue throughout the story serves the function of providing multiple points of view without changing the overall authority of the narrator. The story is set in the Town Hall Park, in the late evening. The reader learns that the astrologer is usually under the tamarind tree by noon. 

  1. Irony is a contrast between appearances and reality. What is ironic about Guru Nayak’s meeting with the astrologer? 

The irony of the situation centers around the meeting of Guru Nayak’s meeting with the astrologer. He comes to the astrologer for help in finding and killing the man he is talking to. The man whom Guru Nayak is looking for is none other than the astrologer himself. As soon as the astrologer recognizes the man, he feels very uncomfortable. But the astrologer wisely misinforms him. He makes Guru Nayak wait and bargain for money. When he finally calls the stranger by his name and tells him about the incident that happened in the village, he has Guru Nayak in the palm of his hand. 

  1. How does the astrologer’s manner of dress suit his character? 

The astrologer is the protagonist of the story. The initial part of the story describes the outfit and the appearance that the astrologer carries when he performs his duty. He is dressed typically like an astrologer. His forehead is bright with sacred ash and vermilion. He winds a saffron-coloured turban around his head. His dress and appearance suit his character and becomes a center of attraction. They are easily fooled by the astrologer with his wits. He is intelligent and has his shrewd ways to go about his profession. He has a working analysis of mankind’s troubles. 


  Hope this will help you a lot.

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