English 11(One act plays)


One Act Plays 

  1. Trifles  

 Susan Glaspell 


This suspense and mysterious one-act play “ Trifles “ has been written by an American playwright, novelist, journalist and actress Susan Glaspell. This play has been presented showing various aspects related to women’s lives and their self-priorities. 

This play has presented the various themes related to women’s lives as isolation, loss of identity, male domination, revenge and violence, feminism, freedom by rebellion etc. 

The whole play is about an investigation related to the murder mystery of Mr. John Wright. For his murder, his wife Mrs. Minnie Wright has been accused and arrested. This play has shown this particular murder’s investigation as well as different perspectives of Mrs. Wright’s neighbours about her and different proofs related to this murder.  

Here in this play, the major topic of discussion is Mrs. Wright who is off the stage. The entire task of investigation moves on along with hypotheses, proofs and  Mrs. Wright’s discussion.              


The play begins in the farmhouse of Mr. John Wright. In the beginning, we find all the characters entering into Mr. Wright’s kitchen. Firstly, County Attorney Mr. George Henderson, Mr. Henry Peters and Mr. Lewis Hale enter the kitchen. All these men are followed by Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale. The condition of the kitchen is completely messy. When they reach there, they find everything shabby and abandoned. The dishes in the kitchen lay scattered, a loaf of bread is out of the bread box, a dishtowel on the table, unwashed pans under the sink etc. It seems as if it is a sign of incomplete work.  

All the male characters move near the fireplace whereas the women stand at the door. The County Attorney Mr. Henderson inspects the things in the kitchen confirming whether the things are touched or not. 

He starts his investigation with a question to Mr. Hale about the previous day’s events. [ Mr. Hale is a person who witnessed the dead body of Mr. Wright at first. Mr. Hale relates that he visited Mr. Wright’s house to ask about getting a telephone line. He met Mrs. Wright sitting on a rocker (a chair) moving back and forth. She seemed quite strange and nervous while pleating her apron. She strangely behaved with Mr. Hale. She informed Mr. Hale about her husband’s death upstairs with a rope around his neck. She said that someone strangled her husband when she was in her sound sleep. She added that she didn’t hear anything from her husband during night time. After that, Mr. Hale informed about the death of Mr. John Wright to Mr. Henry Peters and brought him to the spot to see the dead body. He even went to bring the coroner, an official related to the investigation of suspicious deaths. When Mr. Hale talked about the telephone to Mrs. Wright, she laughed and even scared. 

The County Attorney Mr. George Henderson begins his investigation from the kitchen. He inspects some fruits preservatives broken glass jars in the cupboard’s closets. The broken jars’ glasses have made the cupboard so messy. 

Both, Mr. Henderson and Mr. Peters criticize the trifles worries related to preservatives jars of Mrs. Wright who has been accused and arrested for her husband’s murder.  

Mr. Henderson keeps on criticising Mrs. Wright’s housekeeping skills and a dirty towel. But, Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters support Mrs. Wright being women. Both women don’t like Mr. Hale’s dialogue. Mr. Hale says that women worry over the trifles. Both women come closer to each other after hearing his dialogue. The men move upstairs to search for evidence. Mr. Henderson allows both women to gather the belongings for Mrs. Wright. When Mrs. Hale arranges pan in the kitchen, Mr. Henderson disturbs her. Mrs. Hale doesn’t like Mr. Henderson’s task of criticising women. Both women take clothes for Mrs. Wright from her closet. Later on, both women start talking about Mrs. Wright. Mrs. Hale relates about Mrs. Wright to Mrs. Peters. According to her, Mrs. Wright was a quite famous singer thirty years ago and known as Minnie Foster. She was so beautiful and cheerful then. She used to wear a pretty dress and sing quite beautifully. But, after her marriage, her happiness ended. Her husband was a quite strict person. He didn’t allow her to join women’s aid. After marriage, she mostly wore an apron with a shawl which was hung behind the door. Mrs. Hale considers Mrs. Wright as an innocent woman who worries about fruits preservatives jars. Both women don’t think that Mrs. Wright murdered her husband. 

According to Mrs. Peters, her husband doubts Mrs. Wright. He didn’t believe Mrs. Wright’s act of not waking up at night time during the murder. Mrs. Hale even mentions that her husband found a gun in the house. It is very suspicious to use a rope for murder instead of a gun. Mrs. Hale is worried about Mrs. Wright who is locked in the town’s prison.  

A bit later, Mrs. Hale finds a large sewing basket with a quilt. When they examine the quilt, they find the stitches in the quilt aren’t well-stitched. They infer about Mrs.Wright’s nervousness while stitching the quilt.  When the men hear women’s discussion related to quilt and knots, they laugh and ridicule the trifle tasks of women. The men go to the barn to search for the evidence. 

Both women want to complete the unfinished quilt. While searching for paper and string, Mrs.Peters finds a birdcage in a cupboard. There isn’t a bird and the door of the cage is broken. Mrs. Hale remembers a man who was selling singing birds canaries around the previous year. They infer Mr. Wright must have bought a canary from him. Mrs. Hale guesses that the cat might have caught the bird of the cage. But, Mrs. Peters informs Mrs. Hale that Mrs. Wright didn’t have a cat. She says that her cat once went into Mrs. Wright’s room and made her upset. Mrs. Hale worries about not visiting Mrs. Wright house these days. According to her, she never liked this lonesome and gloomy place which is quite hollow and too far from the road. Mrs. Hale adds that Mr.Wright was quite a hard man to live with. There were no children in the house. Mrs. Wright had to spend her time in loneliness while Mr. Wright was at his work. Mrs. Hale guesses that Mrs. Wright must have bought a canary for her company. Mrs. Hale says that she was like a bird, real sweet and pretty, sing beautifully in a choir before marriage. She wonders how did she change. 

Later on, Mrs. Hale finds a pretty red box in the sewing basket while searching for scissors to fix the stitches made by Mrs. Wright. Both of them are quite surprised to find a dead canary wrapped in a silk cloth. They feel terrified to see the wrung neck of the bird. When they hear the sound of men coming back from the barn, they hide the red box among the quilt pieces. Mr. Henderson again ridicules the women asking about the blanket whether it was knotted or quilted. Mrs. Peters answered decisively saying that Mrs. Wright wanted to knot it. The men discuss finding no evidence in the barn. 

Next, the men discuss about rope which was the house’s rope and used for murdering Mr. Wright. They move upstairs again to make an analysis of the rope inch by inch. 

Now, both women get a new insight into Mrs. Wright’s situation. Mrs. Hale says that Mrs. Wright was trying to bury her lovely bird in a pretty red box. Mrs. Peters recalls an incident of her past days and becomes sad. According to her, she had a beautiful kitten when she was a girl. But, a boy killed her kitten brutally with a hatchet before her eyes. Quite interestingly, she says that if she had been bold enough, she would have hurt the boy. Here, Mrs. Peters opinions reveal the concept of revenge. Both women try to connect the case of killing a bird to the murder of Mr. Wright. Mrs. Hale concludes that Mr. Wright was a strict man who didn’t like his wife singing and even a singing bird-like canary. After many years of emptiness in the house, a bird started singing. She is sure that Mr. Wright must have killed the bird being furious. 

Mrs. Peters relates her own experience of stillness (emptiness). She lost her first two years old baby in the past. After the death of the baby, she passed her tough time without her baby. But, she adds that the law has to punish the crime. Mrs. Hale also recalls Mrs. Wright while she was a signer. She feels guilty for not visiting and supporting Mrs. Wright in her needs during these days.  

Mrs. Hale becomes sympathetic towards Mrs. Wright and decides not to tell about broken jars of preservatives. Mrs. Peters wraps a fine jar of preservatives in a petticoat for Mrs. Wright. They don’t want to make her sad.  

Mrs. Peters knows that the men would laugh at them being upset over the dead canary.  

The men come downstairs saying they need definite evidence for the culprit. Mr. Henderson doesn’t seem satisfied. To proceed with the case further, he wishes to stay there for any other clue. Mrs. Peters asks Mr. Henderson to verify the belongings of Mrs. Wright which she has taken. Mr. Henderson verifies them randomly saying that she is also tied with the law being a sheriff’s wife. The sheriff and coroner move to the other room’s window to look for evidence. Mr. Hale also goes out. 

Both women conceal the evidence related to Mrs. Wright. Mrs. Peters try to hide the box in her bag but the box is too big. She tries to catch the canary but cannot touch it. Mrs. Hale snatches the box from Mrs. Peters and puts it into her big coat’s pocket as she hears the door’s sound in the other room. 

This play ends up with the conversation between Mr. Henderson and Mrs. Hale. Mr. Henderson asks the ladies sarcastically about Mrs. Wright saying that she was not going to quilt it. But, Mrs. Hale defends Mrs. Wright saying that she was going to knot. 


This one-act play ‘Trifles’ has been written by an American playwright Susan Glaspell. This play is about a murder mystery of Mr. John Wright and its investigation. This play has presented various themes as male domination, isolation, loss of identity, revenge and violence, freedom by rebellion. This play had been initially staged on 8th August 1916 at Wharf Theatre. 

There are seven characters here in this play. They are Mr. George Henderson: County Attorney, Mr. Peters: a Sheriff, Mr. Hale: a neighbouring farmer, Mrs. Peters: Mr. Peters’ wife and Mrs. Hale: Mr. Hale’s wife.  

All these characters are seen on the stage. The off-stage main characters are Mr. John Wright and Mrs. John Wright. Before the beginning of the play, Mr. John Wright has been murdered and Mrs. Wright has been suspected and arrested in charge of his murder.  

When the play starts, all these five characters are seen in Mr. John Wright’s farmhouse. When they arrive in the kitchen, they find the messy condition of the kitchen. The things in the kitchen are shabby and abandoned. Mr. Hale reveals about the previous day’s events. He tells his purpose of visiting Mr. Wright’s house. He informs about the nervousness of Mrs. Wright on a chair, her information related to Mr. John Wright’s death with a rope around his neck etc. He even informs Mr. Henderson about his further acts of calling Mr. Peters to inspect the dead body. 

Mr. George Henderson begins his further investigation from the kitchen. He ridicules Mrs. Wright housekeeping skills to find the glass jars preservatives in the cupboard. Both women, Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters don’t like men’s mockery against women. They feel quite bad to hear Mr. Hale’s dialogue. They support Mrs. Wright’s housekeeping skills. They get permission from Mr. Henderson to gather clothes for Mrs. Wright. They start talking about various trifles related to Mrs. Wright while men are searching for proofs in different places. Mrs. Hales relates to Mrs. Peters that Mrs. Wright was a quite popular singer thirty years back and known as Minnie Foster. Both women don’t think that Mrs. Wright has murdered her husband. Mrs. Hale thinks Mrs. Wright as an innocent woman who worries for her jar preservatives. Both women come to know about Mrs. Wright’s nervousness while inspecting her quilt. They think much about Mrs. Wright’s intention behind using stitch or knot in the quilt. Men laugh again to hear their discussion related to trifles. Later on, Mrs.Peters finds a broken birdcage in the cupboard. They discuss about the missing bird. They conclude that Mrs. Wright must have bought a singing bird from the bird seller. They find a beautiful red box and a dead canary bird inside it. They notice the wrung neck of the bird. They connect Mr. John Wright’s murder to Canary’s death. Both cases reveal the issue of necks. ( a rope around the neck | wrung neck ) They come to know why a rope has been used instead of a gun. Mrs. Peters’ experience of childhood proves her aggression and the concept of revenge. Her kitten was killed by a boy with a hatchet in front of her eyes. She wanted to hurt the boy if she had enough courage. She also relates her tough time during her first baby’s death. Her experiences reveal revenge and tough time during her baby’s lack. Both women connect all these with Mrs. Wright’s experiences. Finally, men come with no clues whereas women get full proofs but remain silent. They hide the red box (clue) of Mrs. Wright.                           


  1. In what ways do societal norms affect you? 

Answer:   Societal norms are the basis of living in society. Everyone is connected with societal norms. Without societal norms, no one can imagine living their lives in society. Societal norms affect me in the following ways: 

▪ I have to follow all these norms.  

▪︎ These norms have taught me the ways of living. 

▪︎Societal norms prevent me from doing bad deeds in society. 

▪︎ Societal norms have provided me with knowledge related to my culture, tradition and rituals. 

  1. Are women dominated by men in your society? 

Answer: No, women aren’t dominated by men in my society. Women are very well treated by men. I find the perfect concept of equality among men and women in my society. Women are given respect and preferences in my society.  

  1. Are there differences between men and women in how they think, act, communicate, behave and relate to others? 

Answer: There are many differences between men and women in how they think, act, communicate, behave and relate to others. These differences are as follows: 

▪︎Women think deeply about trifles whereas men don’t. 

▪︎They act a bit slower than the men. 

▪They communicate being careful about bad words whereas men don’t.  

▪︎ They behave and relate to others in a very polite way whereas men can be aggressive sometimes. 

Understanding the text 

  1. Do you believe that Mrs. Wright killed her husband? Explain. 

Answer: Yes, I believe that Mrs. Wright killed her husband. I believe her as a murderer after reading the whole play. The deep investigation made by Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters over trifles of Mrs. Wright has disclosed all the clues which are against Mrs. Wright and proved her as a murderer. 

  1. Do you think Mr. Wright’s death would have been uncovered if Mr. Hale hadn’t stopped by the Wrights’ home? 

Answer: No, I don’t think Mr. Wright’s death would have been uncovered if Mr. Hale hadn’t stopped by the Wright’s home. If Mr. Hale hadn’t stopped by the Wrights’ home, nobody would ever know about Mr. Wright’s death. The location of the house was quite far from the road. Nobody had visited this lonesome house for a long time. If Mr. Hale hadn’t stopped there to ask for a telephone line, Mr. Wright’s dead body would have been decayed in that gloomy house. 

  1. Why does Mrs. Hale think that Mrs. Wright’s worries about her preserves indicate her innocence? 

Answer: Mrs. Hale thinks that Mrs. Wright’s worries about her preserves indicate her innocence because she doesn’t think Mrs. Wright as a murderer who cares about every tiny thing related to her housekeeping skills. According to her the person who is too much careful about her preserves cannot dare to commit murder. Her carefulness towards her trifles related to housekeeping skills shows her innocence. 

  1. How does Mrs. Peters’ homesteading experience connect her to Mrs. Wright? 

Answer: Mrs. Peters’ homesteading experience connects her to Mrs. Wright in the following manners:  

 1. She lost her kitten while she was a girl. A boy killed it with a hatchet in front of her eyes. She became quite angry with the boy. A sense of revenge was seen within her against the boy. This experience connects her to Mrs. Wright’s revenge against the killer of her canary. 

 2. She lost her first baby of two years old. She had spent her tough time without her lovable baby. This experience connects her to Mrs. Wright’s tough time which she spent without her lovable canary. 

  1. How do the women’s perspectives on men differ? 

Answer: Here in this play, we find men’s arrogance and dominance. They have shown their hierarchy over women. We find them showy and useless. They ridicule women most of the time. During the investigation, women’s perspectives are ridiculed all the time by men. Women’s acts and discussion aren’t taken seriously by all men. Women’s perspectives are taken as trifles by men.  

  Reference to the context 

Read the extracts from the play given below and answer the questions that follow. 

  1. “MRS. PETERSLglancing around). Seems funny to think of a bird here. But she must have had one, or why would she have a cage? I wonder what happened to it? 

MRS. HALE: I s’pose maybe the cat got it.” 

  1. Who does ‘she’ refer to? 

Answer: She refers to Mrs. Wright. 

  1. What does the word ‘one’ stand for? 

Answer: The word ‘one’ stands for a bird. 

  1. What is the full form of “s’pose”? 

Answer: The full form of “s’pose” is “suppose.” 

  1. What do you mean when Mrs. Hale says, “the cat got it”? 

Answer: When Mrs. Hale says, “the cat got it”, I mean “the cat must have caught the bird.” 

  1. “MRS. HALE: Wright was close. …… she used to wear pretty clothes and be lively, when she was Minnie Foster, one of the town girls singing in the choir. But that— oh, that was thirty years ago.” 

  1. Why does Mrs. Hale refer to Mrs. Wright as “Minnie Foster”? 

Answer: Mrs. Hale refers to Mrs. Wright as “Minnie Foster” because Mrs. Wright was a very beautiful singer before her marriage. She was known as Minnie Foster who used to wear pretty clothes and sing in the choir. 

  1. What does her description tell you about Mrs. Wright? 

Answer: Her description tells me that Mrs. Wright was a quite beautiful singer before her marriage. She was known as Minnie Foster who used to sing very beautifully and wear pretty clothes thirty years before.  


  1. What does Mrs. Hale mean by “that was thirty years ago”? 

Answer: By ‘that thirty years ago’ Mrs. Hale means the past time while Mrs. Wright was an unmarried and quite famous singer known as Minnie Foster.  

  1. What is the main theme of the play? 

Answer: The main theme of the play is the status of women in contemporary American society and males’ dominant nature over women. Apart from this, we find various themes within this play as isolation, loss of identity, revenge and violence, freedom by rebellion. 

  1. Discuss the symbolism used in the play. 

Answer: Symbolism is a literary device that refers to the representation of a concept through symbols or underlying meanings of objects or qualities. Here in this play, we find various things that symbolize varieties of hidden meanings. The symbolism used in the play are as follows:  

  1. The preservative jars: The preservative jars in the kitchen are broken due to the cold. These jars symbolize the cold and broken marriage relationship between Mrs. Wright and her husband. Due to their weak relationship, nothing is in a good state. 

  1. Singing Canary bird: The singing Canary bird symbolizes the freedom of Mrs. Wright before her marriage. She was just like a canary bird known as Minnie Foster, a popular singer thirty years back. 

  1. The birdcage: The birdcage here in this play symbolizes the trapped life of Mrs. Wright after her marriage. Her life remained within the boundaries of her house. Its broken state symbolizes the poor condition of the gloomy house. 

  1. Wrung neck of canary: Here, wrung neck of canary symbolizes the concept of revenge in a tit for tat manner. Mr. Wright has also been murdered with a rope around his neck instead of a gun. 

  1. Knot in a quilt: Mrs. Hale’s dialogue as the knot in a quit symbolizes the murder with a rope. The stitches in the particular quilt even symbolize the nervousness of Mrs. Wright. 

  1. Discuss the setting of the play. Does it have an impact on the theme of the play? 

Answer: This play has been set on the abandoned farmhouse of Mr. John Wright. It is a lonesome, gloomy and cold place down in the hollow where the road cannot be seen. Yes, it has an impact on the theme of the play. This setting has presented the lives of contemporary American women who used to live under the obligations of their husbands. They used to live within the boundaries of their houses in isolation and restriction. The setting of the house even suggests male dominance over women. 

Reference beyond the text 

a. The credibility of a character is determined not only by the character’s thoughts and actions but also by what other characters say and think about him or her. Discuss in relation to the characters of Trifles. 

Answer: Here in this play, we all readers are directed towards off-stage main character Mrs. Wright through on stage characters like Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters. Here, these two on-stage characters keep on discussing and informing us about various aspects of Mrs. Wright’s life. Their discussion related to Mrs. Wright while investigating has provided us with various hidden aspects of Mrs. Wright’s life. Through women’s information, we are able to know about Mrs. Wright’s life and sufferings. The readers get emotionally attached to find out about her life’s story. Both women and their efforts in describing Mrs. Wright are incredible. Their efforts in the play have helped all the readers to feel good about Mrs. Wright. With the help of these two characters, Mrs. Wright has been presented positively in front of all the readers. Mrs. Wright has got the sympathy of all the readers. 

b. Dramatic irony occurs when the reader or audience has information that is unknown to the characters in a play; it creates tension and suspense. Analyse the play discussing the author’s use of dramatic irony based on these questions: 

▪︎What information is crucial to the play Trifles?  

Answer: Dramatic irony is a literary device that has been created when the audience or reader comes to know the things at first that are hidden. Here in the play, the leading characters are unaware of the facts but the readers or audiences get the idea about the facts. Here, in this play, the crucial information related to dramatic irony is that Mrs. Wright has murdered her husband. Here, the readers come to know about the facts behind the murder through Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters but the men characters who seem quite busy in finding the clues are unaware of these facts.  

▪︎How does the playwright use this information to create dramatic irony?  

Answer: To create dramatic irony, the playwright uses this information very tactfully creating various twists, suspense, readers’ interest and revelation in a very interesting way. The playwright keeps on presenting information related to murder through predictions and proofs which the characters make and get during the time of investigation to find the actual murderer. 

▪︎What effect does the dramatic irony have on the audience and on the play? 

Answer: Dramatic irony is very well managed and presented by the playwright. It has put the audience and readers above the leading male characters of the play.  It has managed all the readers’ attention, anticipation, hope, fear, curiosity and suspense. Here, the readers have got the actual information before all male characters of the play. Dramatic irony has made this play very interesting and full of twists where facts are disclosed creating curiosity among the readers. 

  1. A Sunny Morning 

Serafin and Joaquin Alvarez Quintero 


This one-act play “A Sunny Morning” is a short romantic comedy that has been written by two renowned Spanish playwrights Serafin and Joaquin Alvarez Quintero. This romantic comedy has been presented aiming at the entertainment of the audiences. This play is based on the major theme of a love affair where we find two ex-lovers in their 70s, meeting at a park and trying to recall their romantic past. This one-act play is about two former lovers named Don Gonzalo and Dona Llorente who loved each other much in their youth days. During their youth days, they separated from each other due to their bad luck as well as Dona Llorente’s parents’ negative roles. 

Both, Gonzalo and Dona are quite old now who have lost their joyous youthful days and attraction. In the beginning, they are unable to recognize each other when they meet at the park. But, later on, they know each other but don’t reveal their real identity with each other.  



This play begins in one of the peaceful sunny mornings of autumn in a peaceful corner of a park in Madrid, Spain. In the very beginning, we find a handsome, white-haired lady of about seventy sitting on a bench of the park and feeding bread crumbs to pigeons. She seems quite refined in her appearance. She is there along with her maid Petra. Later on, Petra leaves the place to meet the park guard. Next, we find the entry of another main character Don Gonzalo, an old man along with his servant Juanito. Don Gonzalo seems to be quite irritated in the very beginning because he doesn’t find a vacant bench in the park to sit. The bench which he usually uses in the park is occupied by three priests. Being reluctant, he comes near to Laura’s bench and shares her bench. Laura gets infuriated with Don Gonzalo. She accuses Don Gonzalo that he has scared pigeons who were feeding her breadcrumbs. She calls him “an ill-natured man.”  Don Gonzalo doesn’t like to sit on the bench with the old lady. Laura keeps on using plenty of harsh verbal words against Don Gonzalo. But, after using their pinching and rude words of disagreement, Don Gonzalo gives up. He takes out his snuff-box and shares it with  her. Both of them sneeze at the same time. At last, both of them restore a friendly relationship with each other. 

They start their talks in a very friendly manner. Don Gonzalo reads out loud from a book of poems. As they are talking with each other, Gonzalo says that he is from Valencia. He gets surprised to know about Laura’s homeland. Laura reveals to him that she is from Maricela where she lived in a villa. Gonzalo is quite startled by the revelation of Laura and says that he knows a woman named Laura Llorente who lived in a villa there, who was perhaps the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. After hearing each other, both of them realise that they were former lovers. But, they pretend to hide their identities. 


Both of them start talking about Laura Llorente and Gonzalo. Old Don Gonzalo and Dona Laura refer Gonzalo and Laura Llorente as cousin and friend. They share their views on the sad love affair of Gonzalo and Laura Llorente in their conversation. According to their conversation, Laura Llorente lived at Maricela in Valencia. She was known as ‘The Silver Maiden’ in her locality in her youthful age. She was so beautiful as the lily, with jet black hair and black eyes. She was a lady with a perfect figure and like a dream. She was in love with Gonzalo, the gallant lover. He used to pass by on horseback every morning through the rose garden and toss up a bouquet to her balcony which she caught. Laura used to spend her most time sitting on her balcony. When Gonzalo came back riding on his horse during afternoon time, she would also toss the flowers back to him.  They were in deep love. But, Laura’s parents wanted their daughter to marry a rich local merchant. 

One day, Gonzalo involved in a fight with that merchant. Gonzalo was insulted by the merchant while he was waiting to hear the song of Laura underneath her window. Gonzalo injured the merchant in that fight. After that fight, Gonzalo fled from his hometown to Seville and then to Madrid, being afraid of the consequences of a fight with a merchant. Actually, that merchant was highly regarded in that locality. 

After that, he tried a lot to contact with Laura through his letters but all his attempts failed. He was unable to contact Laura thereafter. His all letters were diverted by Laura’s parents. Laura didn’t get any letter due to her parents. 


Now Dona Laura and Don Gonzalo plan stories of their deaths. They share their stories related to their deaths. The old Don Gonzalo says that he is the cousin of ‘the young man. According to him, the young Gonzalo had to leave his place as he injured the merchant seriously. He joined the army and went to Africa. He was killed in the battle and got a glorious death. The old Laura says that she knows the woman named Laura, known as ‘The Silver Maiden’ and that she was her friend during her young age. She also lies that she knows the tragic story of her love affair with a gallant young man named Gonzalo. The old woman reveals that her friend waited for Gonzalo quite long. She didn’t receive any information related to him. One afternoon, she was seen on the beach leaving her house. She wrote Gonzalo’s name on the sand, then sat down upon a rock looking at the horizon intently. She died in the sea because waves of the sea swept her out to sea. 


After three months of their separation, Gonzalo lost his hope for Laura. Gonzalo ran off to Paris with a ballet dancer and married her. He started living his family life. Laura, on the other hand, got married after two years of their separation.  

Both of them realize that they are lying but they pretend to be unaware. When they meet in the park after nearly 50 years, both of them are able to recall their intense romantic affair. But, they conceal the reality because they are quite away from their romantic past. At the end of the play, they agree to meet at the park again the next day if there is a sunny morning.                    


This one-act play “A Sunny Morning” is a short romantic comedy that has been written by two renowned Spanish playwrights Serafin and Joaquin Alvarez Quintero. This play is based on the major theme of a love affair where we find two ex-lovers in their 70s, meeting at a park and trying to recall their romantic past. 

When the play begins, we find Dona Laura sitting in a park and feeding breadcrumbs to the birds. Next, Don Gonzalo enters with Juanito, and grumbles about the people’s act of taking others’ seat. He keeps looking for a bench but can’t find one for him. He scares away the birds and annoys Dona Laura. He sits on  Dona Laura’s bench. Dona Laura refers to him as an ill-natured man. Don Gonzalo starts reading his book. They keep on using pinching words against each other. Don Gonzalo takes out his snuffbox and they both take the snuff and sneeze three times. They establish a friendly relationship after that. 

Don Gonzalo starts reading out loud, and then Dona Laura joins. They even talk about their eyesight. They talk about various cities, places, travel and people they have met and things they have done. They realize that they are former lovers. Both of them hide their identities and start telling their stories with fake identities. Don Gonzalo tells Don’s story being his cousin whereas Dona Laura tells Dona Llorente’s story being her friend. They relate their fake stories of their deaths. They build up stories of Don and 

Laura Llorente hiding their identities. Finally, they make a plan to come back and meet the next day if it is a sunny morning. They join their servants and leave. 

  Before Reading 

a. Have you ever had an unexpected meeting with someone in a park?  

Answer: Yes, I have had an unexpected meeting with someone in a park. I met with one of my old classmates in a park after twenty years. I got extremely surprised to meet her after so many years. 

b.  How do your expectations influence the way you interact with others? 

Answer: My expectations influence the way I interact with others in a very curious manner. I try to become much more friendly while interacting with others being optimistic. I always expect to have friendly responses from others. 

c. How have unexpected encounters in your life sometimes turned out to be rewarding?  

Answer: Unexpected encounters in my life sometimes turned out to be rewarding by providing me immense happiness. My luck favours me all the time and provides me unexpected happiness with unbelievable rewards.  

Understanding the text 

  1. What makes Dona Laura think that Don Gonzalo is an ill-natured man? Why do neither Dona Laura nor Don Gonzalo reveal their true identities?  

Answer: The rude act as well as the talking manner of Gonzalo makes Laura think that he is an ill-natured man. Gonzalo scares all the pigeons to which Laura is feeding breadcrumbs in a park. He even replies to Laura’s question’s answer in a very rude way. Neither Dona Laura nor Don Gonzalo reveals their true identities because they realise that they were lovers in the past time. Both of them are quite old now and away from their youthful days. They think it better to hide their identities and prefer to be happy through admirable words from both sides. 


  1. At what point of time, do you think, Laura and Gonzalo begin to recognise each other? 

Answer: I think Laura and Gonzalo begin to recognise each other at the time when Dona Laura takes the book from Don Gonzalo and reads aloud. When she reads the line “Twenty Years Pass”, both of them behold each other with doubts. 

  1. When does Dona Laura realise that Don Gonzalo was her former lover? 

Answer: Dona Laura realises that Don Gonzalo was her former lover at the time when Dona tells him about the villa in Maricella and Gonzalo tells her about the Silver Maiden named Laura Llorente. She realises him as her former lover to hear his admirable description of her. 

  1. Why do Dona Laura and Don Gonzalo spin fictitious stories about themselves? 

Answer: Dona Laura and Don Gonzalo spin fictitious stories about themselves because they don’t want to reveal their real identity to each other. They are quite old now and away from their romantic past. 

They are not happy with their old age looks. They prefer to hear admirable words from each other in this old age. They think it better to interact with each other being unfamiliar. 

  1. How do Dona Laura and Don Gonzalo feel about each other? 

Answer: Dona Laura and Don Gonzalo feel annoyed about each other at the beginning of the play. They share harsh and pinching words against each other. But, later on, when they establish their friendly relationship, they realise that they are former lovers. They start relating their past stories hiding their real identities. At this old age of seventy, they don’t want to reveal their reality but enjoy their joyous romantic past through their talks. They feel good about each other and enjoy their admiration and past stories through fake means. They prefer to meet again in the park. 

 Reference to the context 

  1. Look at the extract below and answer the questions that follow: 

 “Yes, you are only twenty. (She sits down on the bench.) Oh, I feel more tired today than usual. (Noticing Petra, who seems impatient.) Go, if you wish to chat with your guard.” 

  1. Who is the speaker?  

Answer: The speaker is Dona Laura. 

  1. Who does ‘you’ refer to? 

Answer: ‘You’ refers to Dona Laura’s maid Petra. 

  1. Who is the ‘guard’ the speaker is talking to? 

Answers: The ‘guard’ is the ‘park’s guard’ the speaker is talking to. 

  1. Read the extract dialogue from the play and answer the questions that follow: 

DONA LAURA: (Indignantly.) Look out! 

DON GONZALO: Are you speaking to me, senora? 

DONA LAURA: Yes, to you. 

DON GONZALO: What do you wish? 

DONA LAURA: You have scared away the birds who were feeding on my crumbs. 

DON GONZALO: What do I care about the birds? 

DONA LAURA: But I do. 

DON GONZALO: This is a public park. 

i. Who is Dona addressing by saying “Look out”? 

Answer: Dona is addressing Don Gonzalo by saying “Look out”. 

ii.  What was Dona doing? 

Answer: Dona was feeding breadcrumbs to pigeons in the park. 

iii. Who scared the birds? Are they pet birds? 

Answer: Don Gonzalo scared the birds. No, they aren’t pet birds. 

iv. Where are the speakers at the time of the conversation? 

Answer: The speakers are in a park at the time of conversation. 

  1. What is the effect of flashback in the play when Dona Laura and Don Gonzalo knew that they were lovers in the past? 

Answer: Flashback is a dramatic device in which earlier events are inserted into the normal chronological flow of a narrative. Here in this play, flashback has played a very vital role to make this romantic comedy very interesting. When Don Gonzalo and Dona Laura knew that they were lovers in the past, their flashback stories started providing us with various events about their romantic youthful days. Their flashback has extended this play with varieties of hidden facts. Due to its usage, the play has got various concealing and revealing twists and fine climax. Both characters keep on using their flashback stories with various information which have made all the audiences pay attention and enjoy every single dialogue of the play. Flashback can be considered as the base of this humorous play. 

  1. Discuss how the play is built around humour and irony. 

Answer: This play is built around humour and irony. The play is the perfect blend of humour and irony. This romantic comedy has been presented with a unique aim to entertain all the audiences through humour and irony. This play begins with the humorous dialogue of old Dona Laura. After the entry of Don Gonzalo into the park, the sarcastic arguments between both old people have created an extreme humorous environment in the play. We find irony in plenty of pinching words from both characters. When they realise about each other, they start relating their flashback stories that make all the readers curious to hear further from the characters. Their manner of interacting using ironic remarks, their false stories related to their deaths, the ways of concealing their identities to fool each other, their promise to meet in the next sunny morning etc have made this play full of humour and irony. 

  1. How is the title ‘A Sunny Morning’ justifiable? Discuss. 

Answer: The title ‘A Sunny Morning ‘ is justifiable. This play is based on a set of a park in Madrid, Spain during a sunny morning. The whole play has been presented here in this setting. Here, a sunny morning has provided a fine meeting between two former lovers at their old age. They argue, know each other, hide their identities, admire, relate fake stories of their deaths, prefer to meet again in the next sunny morning etc. From beginning to the end, the whole play keeps on giving us extreme laughter remaining within this setting of a sunny morning. Thus, this title ‘A Sunny Morning’ is quite appropriate that has presented a reconciliation of former lovers at a park with extreme humour 

Reference beyond the text 

a. What do you predict will appen in the next meeting between Dona Laura and Don Gonzalo?Discuss. 

Answer: I predict that they will be much more excited in the next meeting. They will talk and share their feelings through fake means this time too. Both of them will try to make each other happy. Don Gonzalo will certainly be much frank this time. He will try to show his respect towards her. The readers will get a chance to see their shyness. They will surely get much more fun through their pretentious acts. 

b. Was it wise for Dona Laura and Don Gonzalo to keep their identities secret? How might their secrets affect future meetings? 

Answer: Yes, it was wise for Dona Laura and Don to keep their identities secret. At the age of seventy, they both realized that they were former lovers who separated due to their ill-fate. But, they did a good job of not revealing their real identities. Both of them were quite old with weak physical conditions. They were not happy due to their old looks. At this age, the revelation of their reality would be vain. They thought it better to hide their identities and pretend to be unfamiliar. They chose the best way to enjoy their sweet youthful memories through fake means. Their secrets might affect them in their future meetings if they keep on lying in such a way. Secrecy never remains for a long time. In their case, there is a high risk of the revelation of secrets due to their old age. If they reveal their realities unknowingly, they won’t try to meet with each other in their upcoming future. 

c. Write the summary of the play 



  Fritz Karinthy  

About the play 

This humorous one-act play “Refund”  has been written by a famous Hungarian playwright Fritz Karinthy in the year 1938. This one-act play has been adapted and translated by the American playwright Percival Wilde.  This play is an absurd and satirical play that has satirized the present day education system, which is quite backward to prepare good students for the future. Here in this play, we find an extraordinary situation that has created extreme humour. This play is based on the theme of wit and unity. This play is about a former student of a school in Hungary named Wasserkopf who goes back to his school in which he had studied and demands a refund of the tuition fees he had paid eighteen years back claiming that he had learnt nothing useful at school and he is now good for nothing. This play has shown the fine ability of teachers to manage the situation and how they tackle Wasserkopf without spoiling the reputation of their school. 


Wasserkopf is a mannerless man who uses abusive words while talking. He is not able to get any employment. Even if he succeeds in getting a job, he cannot keep it for a long period. Wherever he goes to ask for the job, people tell him that he is fit for nothing and hasn’t learned anything worth in his school.  Once, he meets his old classmate Leaderer in the street. When Leaderer talks about investment in foreign exchange and the Hungarian currency with him, Wasserkopf expresses his inability to understand them. He starts asking questions about foreign exchange. Leaderer says that if he doesn’t know about such a small thing, he hasn’t learned anything in school. He advises him to go back to his school and get his tuition fees back.  

Wasserkopf, being jobless and penniless, thinks it as a good idea and beneficial to him. So, he comes back to his old school after eighteen years and demands his tuition fees back claiming he hasn’t learned anything and they haven’t taught him anything worth. The principal is shocked after hearing such an absurd demand. Wasserkopf even threatens to go to the education minister if justice is denied to him. He demands a re-examination and says if he fails in it, he must get his money back. The principal becomes quite confused and finds himself in a peculiar situation and calls for an urgent meeting of all the masters. They decide to conduct the re-examination and agree to prove the answers given by him whether right or wrong, correct. They realize that Wasserkopf would intentionally try to fail the exam by giving wrong answers and get his refund back from the school. So, all the staffs decide to outsmart him and to help each other being united. Wasserkopf uses abusive and derogative words to each master intending to be thrown out of the school. But, the masters outsmart him by proving him excellent in Manners, Physical Culture, Alertness, Perseverance, Logic, and Ambition. 

The history master asks him politely to sit on a seat but he infuriates the teacher with his reply. The master remains patient and starts his question. The first question which he asks him in how many years the ‘Thirty Years War’ lasted. The Physics master whispers the answer loudly and the geography master shows his ten fingers three times. Even though the answer is there within the question, Waaserkopf is eager to give a wrong answer and says that the war lasted for seven meters. All the teachers get paralysed. When the history master is unable to prove his wrong answer right, the mathematics master aids him. He argues that according to Einstein’s relativity theory years can be represented in terms of meter and the actual war took place only for seven years. Because the war was held only in a day time (twelve hours), which means 15 years. Among 15 years, the master substracts three hours each day for combatants’ eating, which reduces 15 years into 12 years. He again substracts various hours for noon-day siestas, peaceful diversions,  non-warlike activities. He reaches seven years at last and wipes his brow. So, the answer seven meters given by the candidate is right in Einstein’s equivalence of seven meters.  

Next, the physics master asks him about clocks in the churches’ steeples. He asks the reason why the church’s clock becomes smaller if someone walks away from it or is it because of optical illusion. Wasserkopf calls the master as an ass in answer. But the answer is accepted by the master as the correct one. The reason is given as an ass doesn’t have any imaginative powers because it is a sad creature. The master says that it must have an optical illusion and Wasserkopf has given a metaphorical answer. 

Next, he is asked to name the capital city of the same name Brunswick, a German province by the geography teacher. But, Wasserkopf answers as ‘same’. The master proves his answer to be correct one by claiming the city has another name as ‘Same’ too. According to a legend, the emperor Barbarossa was once riding in the city and met a peasant girl. He asked her the name of the city after wishing her ‘God Bless You’. The girl answered ‘same to you sir’ while munching a bun in her mouth. But the emperor mistook the city name as ‘Same’. In this way, masters mark Wasserkopf excellent in geography. Finally, the mathematics master comes ahead to ask his question to him. He declares that he is going to ask Wasserkopf two questions both an easy question and a difficult question. First, he asks him an easy question on the circumference of 109 degrees sided polyhedron with irrelevant data for the calculation. Wasserkopf gives an incorrect answer. The mathematics teacher gets angry and declares that his answer is incorrect. So he tells that Wasserkopf deserves the refund of tuition fees back. Then, he asks the exact amount which he has to get. Wasserkopf tells them the exact total amount as 5682 crowns and 38 hellers and the grand total amount as 6450 crowns and 50 hellers without realizing the trap of the teachers. At this time, the mathematics master declares his answer correct in his tough question. All the teachers justify all his answers to be correct. They mark him distinction in all the subjects and throw him out of the school. 


A former student named Wasserkopf unexpectedly arrives at his old school. He had studied there nearly eighteen years ago. He makes an entry inside the Principal’s office arrogantly. He relates his name to the Principal. He answers the Principal’s questions in a very negative way. He tells him about his failures and demands a refund of tuition fees which he had paid for his education eighteen years back. According to him, he hasn’t got his money’s worth and knowledge through their education. He tellspeople’s and his friend Leaderer’s opinions about him. He demands his re-examination and even threatens the Principle to go to the education minister if his demand is denied.  

The Principal asks him to wait and calls an immediate conference of the masters. They discuss the matter seriously. The masters decide to take the examination and ask him simple questions. They decide to help each other and declare his wrong answers right. 

Wasserkopf faces all the teachers one-by-one. He calls them loafers to irritate them. He calls them by rude names and gives silly answers. The teachers accept his answers positively. He is given excellent in patriarchal manners, gentlemanliness, courtesy, physical culture, alertness, perseverance, logic and ambition. He faces History master at first with a very simple question “ How long did the ‘Thirty years’ War last?” He answers wrongly as ‘Seven meters’ in his first question. Both the History master and  Mathematics master prove his answer right through their reasonings 

Next, he is asked a simple question by the Physics master about optical illusions. In reply, Wasserkopf calls the master an ass. But, his answer is accepted as the correct answer with proper reasoning. The Geography master asks him to say the same name of the capital city of Brunswick, a German province. Wasserkopf answers that the answer is “Same’. The masters claim it as right answer. 

The Mathematics master then asks a meaningless question about the circumference of a 109° sided polyhedron. Even the data provided for the calculation is irrelevant. Wasserkopf says that the answer is 2629 litres. The master becomes angry saying that his answer is wrong in an easy question.  

Then the master asks Wasserkopf to calculate the amount of the fees to be refunded. He  took it as a tough question. Wasserkopf calculates the total amount and answers exactly. 

One by one each teacher questions him and justifies his wrong answers to be the correct and they mark him excellent. Though Wasserkopf gives wrong answers and uses abusive words to each master, they don’t show their anger because they have to prove him as an excellent student to throw him out. Finally, masters declare him excellent and throw him out of school. 


a. WILL you demand your tuition fees back from the school if you don’t get any job in the future? 

Answer: No, I don’t demand my tuition fee back from the school If I don’t get any job in the future. I don’t want to be the worst person like Wasserkopf. 

b. What do you want to be after getting education? 

Answer: I want to be a good person with a good job after getting education. I want to establish myself in the social sectors too. I will try my best to help miserable people. 

c. Does one’s certificate show the talent of that person? 

Answer: No, one’s certificate doesn’t show the talent of that person. Talent is related to the inner art or knowledge of the person. Talent remains lifetime and leads anyone towards perfection. A certificate can never Judge anyone’s hidden talents. 

Understanding the text 

  1. Why does Wasserkopf demand a refund of his tuition fees from the school? 

Answer: Wasserkopf demands a refund of his tuition fees from the school because he finds himself good for nothing in his life. He becomes failure many times in getting a proper job for him. He thinks himself a loser at the age of forty only because of his education. He is not able to get any employment. Even if he succeeds in getting a job, he cannot keep it for a long period. Wherever he goes to ask for the job, people tell him that he is fit for nothing and he hasn’t learned anything worth in his school. His old classmate Leaderer even says the same and advises him to demand tuition fees from his old school.  

  1. Why does Wasserkopf consider himself good for nothing? 

Answer: Wasserkopf considers himself good for nothing because he becomes failure many times in his life in the matter of getting a job. He faces rejections many times in his life. He is completely broke. He thinks himself worthless and good for nothing. 

  1. What did the teachers decide to do when Wasserkopf asked for a refund? 

Answer: The teachers decided to fulfil Wasserkopf’s demand of taking re-examination and pass him in every subject no matter his answers are wrong. They decided to unite and help each other during his examination.  They made an agreement to prove Wasserkopf’s answers correct in their questions.  

  1. Why did Wasserkopf give ridiculous answers? Why did the teachers accept these answers? 

Answer: Wasserkopf gave ridiculous answers because he wanted to fail the examination by hook and crook and claim his refund. Teachers accepted these answers because they wanted to pass him in the examination for the sake of their school’s reputation. 

  1. How does the Mathematics Master describe Wasserkopf’s character? 

Answer: The Mathematics Master describes Wasserkopf as a sly and crafty person who wants to fail his exam deliberately and take his tuition fee back. According to him, Wasserkopf is an ill-natured man who doesn’t have a proper talking manner. He is quite different who  irritates all the teachers through his abusive words. 

  1. How did the teachers outwit Wasserkopf? 

Answer: Teachers outwitted Wasserkopf by making proper use of their minds. Wasserkopf tried his best to fail his oral exam through his absurd answers. But, the teachers proved his wrong answers right along with different reasoningsWasserkopf felt astonished to find his answers right. He was declared pass in every subject. His refund request was rejected. He was sent out of school at last. 

  1. What is the final judgment on Waserkopf’s demand of refund?  

Answer:  The final judgment on Waserkopf’s demand of refund is rejection of refund. The result is seen in favour of all the teachers.  All the teachers certify Wasserkopf’s all the answers correct except one. The Principal of the school declares Wasserkopf distinction in every subject. He has been certified and congratulated for his graduation. 

 Reference to the context 

  1. Read the extract from the play given below and answer the questions that follow: 

“It’s possible I’ve changed. What the hell…! Your class records will show I’ve got a right to come here.” 

i. Who is the speaker? Who is he speaking to? 

Answer: The speaker is Wasserkopf. He is speaking to the Principal of his old school. 

ii. Why does the speaker say these words? 

Answer: The speaker says these words because he is quite upset with his educational records which he had achieved eighteen years back from his old school. 

  1. Where is the speaker at this moment? 

Answer: The speaker is in the Principal’s office at this moment. 

  1. Read the extract dialogue given below and answer the questions that follow: 

“THE STAFF: (bowing, heartily) How do you do? 

WASSERKOPF: Who the hell are you? Sit down, you loafers! (He grins, waiting to be thrown out) 

THE PRINCIPAL: “How dare you ?” 

i. What is to be the response to ‘How do you do?’ 

Answer: ‘I’m fine’ is to be the response to ‘How do you do’. 

ii. Is Wasserkopf’s response polite enough to the staff? 

Answer: No, Wasserkopf’s response isn’t polite enough to the staff. He uses abusive words against them. 

iii. How does Wasserkopf rebuke the staff? 

Answer: Wasserkopf rebukes the staff by saying them ‘loafers’ and ‘Who the  hello are you?’  

iv. What does the Principal mean by ‘How dare you’ ? 

Answer: By ‘How dare you?’, the Principal means  Wasserkopf’s dare of speaking abusive remarks against masters. 

  1. Explain the following line of the play: 

“Because I didn’t get my money’s worth, that’s why!” 

Answer: This line has been taken from Fritz Karinthy’s one-act play ‘Refund’. This line has been spoken by the main character of this play whose name is Wasserkopf. Here in this line, Wasserkopf is explaining his reason behind his arrival and demand to the Principal of the school. According to him, his education which he had got from his school hasn’t provided him with his money’s worth in his life. He has faced rejections many times in his life. He thinks himself good for nothing. 

  1. What is the theme of the play? 

Answer: The theme of the play is wit and unity. This play has presented outstanding use of wit of teachers and their unity against an ill-natured old pupil Wasserkopf who comes to his old school with his absurd demand. This play has shown a satire on the present education system which has become failure to prepare students for life. 

  1. Sketch the character of Wasserkopf. 

Answer: Wasserkopf is a poor and greedy person of forty years old. He is a native of Hungary. He is an ill-natured man who has been fired from his jobs many times due to his ill manners and rude behaviours. He doesn’t have any knowledge of any field. There is no shame nor sense of respect in his life’s dictionary. He feels himself good for nothing. He moves to his school to demand his tuition fee without any feeling of shame. He behaves immorally to the Principal and other teachers. He calls the teachers ’loafers’. He calls teachers using irritating names as History Master a ‘numskull’, the Physics Master ‘a cannibal’ and ‘a whiskered balloon’, and the Maths teacher as ‘old stick in the mud’. 

 Reference beyond the text  

  1. The play is a satire on the present day education system. Do you think that our education system does not prepare students for life? Discuss. 

Answer: Yes, I think that our education system does not prepare students for life. The present education system is far away from the concept of practical life. It doesn’t have any relation with a practical way of living. It has distracted people’s mind from creativity and made them impractical. In the present time, we find many educated people with high certificate values but they are without having knowledge about anything. They even don’t have the proper talent to guide others. Thus, the present education system is on its wrong way of producing useless manpowers in different sectors. 

  1. Our education system focuses on memorisation rather than creative thinking. Do you think the knowledge imparted by education may not have practical relevance in one’s day-to-day life? Who do you blame for this? 

Answer: Yes, I think the knowledge imparted by education may not have practical relevance in one’s day-to-day life. In the context of the present education system, we find education and its related knowledge quite away from creative thinking. The courses of education system have been designed in such a way that has no relation with practical relevance in one’s day-to-day life. These educational contents don’t have any relation with practical living. The people who are struggling in the academic fields are also seeking an easy course of memorisation rather than creative thinking. Most of the students are on the wrong track of just passing exams and getting certificates. For them, creativity doesn’t have any place in their lives. They only focus to get fine certificates through various means. I directly blame the present education system for this which have corrupted thousands of minds. 

  1. Most of the students want to learn just for examination rather than knowledge. Do you think that certificate will help them in their future career? 

Answer: No, I don’t think that certificate will help students in their future career. At present time, most of the students are on the wrong track. Their preparation for their examination has a certain time. They are seen much busier before two or three months of their examination. They are quite away from the concept of knowledge but believe in shortcut ways to pass their examination. The way they are choosing to pass their examination isn’t good for their future. They will surely face a lack of authentic knowledge in their future because certificates never reveals real knowledge or talent. Most of the students in the present time get certificates through fake means too. 



 Hope this will help you a lot.

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