MCQs for Biology (Objective)

 MCQ cell biology II

1. The catabolic enzymes are found in 

 a. Golgi bodies b. Endoplasmic reticulum c. Mitochondria d. Lysosome 

2. Thylakoids are associated with 

a. Transpiration b. Photosynthesis c. Guttation d. respiration 

3. Cells arise from pre-existing cell only by reproduction this theory was given by 

a. Robert Brown b. Virchow c. Robert Hooke d. Schleiden and Schwann 

4. Aerobic respiration inside the cell occurs in 

a. Mitochondria b. Plastid c. Golgi bodies d. Endoplasmic reticulum 

5. Energy is stored in the cell in

 a. Ribosome b. Lysosome c. Mitochondria d. Nucleus 

6. Invention of microscope is credited to

 a. Robert Koch b. Robert Hooke c. Ivanowski d. Robert Brown 

7. Extra nuclear cell organelles which process hereditary material are

 a. Mitochondria and Golgi bodies b. Golgi body and endoplasmic reticulum c. Mitochondria and plastids including chloroplast d. Endoplasmic reticulum and lysosome 

8. Site for protein synthesis is

 a. Mitochondria b. Golgi body c. Ribosomes d. Endoplasmic reticulum 

9. All of the following are membrane bound except

 a. Endoplasmic reticulum b. Centriole c. Chloroplast d. Vacuole 

10. Which of the following structure is not a possessed by an eukaryotic cell

 a. Ribosomes b. Incipient nucleus c. Mitochondria d. Centrioles 

11. Enzymes that take part in glycolysis present in

 a. Mitochondria b. Glyoxysomes c. Cytoplasm d. vacuoles 

12. Which of the following is true for prokaryotic cells 

a. They have organelles b. They possess a nucleus c. They have circular DNA d. They are large in size 

13. Genetic material of eukaryotic organism is

 a. Protein b. RNA c. DNA d. Lipid 

14. The thin delicate membrane just attached to the cytoplasm is

 a. Ectoplasma b. Endoplasma c. Tonoplast d. Protoplasm 

15. The layer found in between cell wall of two cells is called

 a. Lysosome b. Lomasome c. Microsome d. Middle lamellae 

16. Control centre of the cell is

 a. Golgi apparatus b. Nucleus c. Ribosome d. DNA 

17. Pyrenoid are found in

 a. Chloroplast b. Mitochondria c. Nucleus d. Cytoplasm 

18. Ribosomes in prokaryotes is

 a. 70s type b. 50s type c. 80s types d. 40s types 

19. Large number of grana occurs in

 a. Ribosome b. Plastid c. Nucleus d. Mitochondria 

20. The cell well is interrupted by minute pores called

 a. Microtubules b. Plasmalemma c. Plasmodesmata d. Microfibrils 

21. Which of the following occurs in mitochondria

 a. Kreb's cycle and ATP synthesis b. Fatty acid oxidation c. Amino acid synthesis d. All of the above 

22. Chloroplast are green due to the presence of

 a. Chlorophyll b. Phycocyanin c. Phycobilins d. Chloropsin 

23. Endoplasmic is made up of

 a. Tubules and flat sacs b. Tubules only c. Sacs and vesicles d. Tubules, vesicles and sacs 

24. Cell drinking is referred to

 a. Plasmolysis b. Diffusion c. Pinocytosis c. Phagocytosis 

25. Which organelle contains maximum enzyme of the cell

 a. Mitochondria b. Lysosome c. Golgi body d. Endoplasmic reticulum 

26. Prokaryotic genetic system has

 a. DNA but histones b. either DNA or histones c. Neither DNA nor histones d. Both DNA and histones 

27. The term suicidal bag is used for

 a. Lysosome b. Ribosomes c. Mitochondria d. Peroxisomes 

28. Which of the following structures other than nucleus contains DNA

 a. Golgi apparatus b. Mitochondria c. Endoplasmic reticulum d. Ribosomes 

29. Proteins are synthesized by

 a. Endoplasmic reticulum. b. Mitochondria c. Ribosome d. Lysosome 

30. Lysosomes are called suicidal bags because they have

 a. Hydrolytic enzymes b. Parasitic activity c. Food vacuole d. Catabolic enzymes 

31. 'Hing' of commerce is a

 a. Tanin b. Resin c. Gum d. Latex 

32. Which one of the following is known as 'storehouse of RNA'?

 a. Nucleus b. Chromosome c. Nucleolus d. None of these 

33. Leucoplast which stores oil is called

 a. Amyloplast b. Aleuroplast c. Elaioplast d. None of these 

MCQs Introduction to biology 

1. Which is a disaccharide

 a. Galactose b. Fructose c. Maltose d. Starch 

2. To get quick energy one should use

 a. Carbohydrate b. Fats c. Vitamins d. Proteins 

3. Which is not polysaccharide

 a. Sucrose b. Starch. c. Glycogen d. Cellulose 

4. Which compound produces more than twice the compound of energy as compared to carbohydrates

 a. Protein b. Fats c. Vitamins d. Glucose 

5. The sugar present in fruits, honey and nectar is

 a. Mannose b. Glucose c. Fructose d. Lactose 

6. Fat is a

 a. Lipid b. Protein c. Carbohydrates c. Amino acids 

7. Nucleic acids are polymer of

 a. Nucleoproteins b. Globulins c. Nucleosides d. Nucleotides 

8. Immediate source of energy is

 a. Sucrose b. Starch c. Glucose d. Fat 

9. Basic amino acid present in body protein is

 a. Arginine b. Alanine c. Glycine d. Valine 

10. A nucleoside is

 a. Base + sugar b. Base + phosphate c. Sugar + phosphate d. Base + sugar + phosphate 

MCQs cell division 

1. Chiasmata formation takes place in

 a. Leptotene b. Zygotene c. Diplotene d. Pachytene 

2. Meiosis occurs in

 a. Leaf b. Shoot c. Root d. Pollen mother cells 

3. Synapsis occur in which stage

 a. Pachytene b. Zygotene c. Diplotene c. Diakinesis 

4. How many times does a simple cell divide mitotically to form 32 cells

 a. 5. b 6 c. 16 d. 32  

5. Karyokinesis is the division of

 a. Nucleolus b. Nucleus c. Cytoplasm d. Ooplasm 

6. during meiosis gametes produced are

 a. Haploid b. Diploid c. Triploid d. Polyploid 

7. Replication of DNA occurs during

 a. G1 phase b. S phase c. G2 phase d. M phase 

8 Crossing over occurs during

 a. Fertilization b. Mitosis c. Miosis d. Amitosis 

9. The region of attachment of chromosome to spindle fibre is called

 a. Kinetochore b. Centrioles c. Secondary constriction d. Satellite chromosome 

10. Nucleus has maximum size during

 a. Prophase b. Metaphase c. Interphase d. Telophase 

Bacteria MCQs 

1. Nitrosomonas is

 a. Phototrophic b. Chemotrophic c. Symbiotic d. Photosynthetic 

2. The bacteria found in the root nodules of leguminous plants is

 a. Rhizobium b. Bacillus c. Thiobacillus d. Clostridium 

3. Denitrifying bacteria convert

 a. Atmospheric N2 to NO3 b. NO3 to NO2 c. Nitrate to atmospheric nitrogen d. None of the above 

4. Which of the following is a rod shaped bacteria

 a. Coccus b. Bacillus c. Spirillum d. Vibrio 

5. Bacteria in an ecosystem acts as

 a. Producer b. Primary consumer c. Secondary consumer d. Decomposer 

6. Most primitive organism are

 a. Monera b. Protista c. Fungi d. Algae 

7 cyanobacteria are

 a. Photosynthetic bacteria b. Nitrogen fixing bacteria c. Chemoautotrophs d. Blue green algae 

8. Citrus canker is caused by

 a. Pseudomonas scalaris b. Xanthomonas oryzae c. Xanthomonas citric d. Pseudomonas solanacearum 

 9. Comma shaped bacterium which causes cholera is called

 a. Coccus b. Bacillus c. Spirillum d. Vibrio 

10. The smallest free living organism is

 a. Virus b. Mycoplasma c. Cyanobacteria d. Bacteria 

MCQs virus 

1. Obligate parasites

 a. Cannot multiply outside the living host b. Can multiply outside living host c. Can multiply in soil d. Can multiply on dead organic matter 

2. Bacteriophage is

 a. Bacteria b. Fungi c. Virus d. Algae 

3. Virus cannot survive outside host because

 a. Lack of metabolic activity b. Separation in two parts c. Having thick proteinaceous Coat d. Due to oxidation 

4. Virus lacks

 a. Protoplasma b. Cell wall c. Growth d. All 

5. Antiviral agents (interferons) are

 a. Lipids b. Proteins c. Alkaloids d. Nucleic acid 

6. Viruses are made up of

 a. Protein and nucleic acid b. Proteins and carbohydrates c. Lipids and nucleic acid d. None of the above 

7. Bacteriophages kill

 a. Fungi b. Parasite c. Bacteria d. Virus 

8. Which of the following disease is caused by a virus

 a. Tuberculosis b. Typhoid c. Polio d. Diphtheria 

9. Viruses are supposed to be

 a. Prokaryotes b. Eukaryotes c. Non living particles d. Living particles 

10. Capsid refers to

 a. Nucleic acid of virus b. Protein coat of virus particle c. Carbohydrate part of virus d. None of the above 

Lichens MCQs 

1. Mode of life of lichen is

 a. Obligatory parasite b. Saprophyte c. Symbiont d. None 

2. Which of the following is a composite dual organism?

 a. Lichen b. Algae c. Fungi d. Virus 

3. Usnea is a

 a. Crustose lichen b. Fruticose lichen c. Foliose lichen d. Fungi 

4. Organisms which are are indicator of SO2 pollution in air are

 a. Mosses b. Lichens c. Mushrooms d. Algae 

5. Lichens are most sensitive to

 a. NO2 pollution b. SO2 pollution c. CO pollution d. OK pollution 

6. The foliose lichens are attached to substratum by means of

 a. Roots b. Rhizoids c. Rhizinae d. Rhizome 

7. Lichens are the best indicators of

 a. Water pollution b. Soil pollution c. Air pollution d. All of these 

8. The example of mutualism is

 a. Orchids b. Cuscuta c. Lichen d. Bryophytes 

9. Lichens are not found in area with

 a. Pollution b. High temperature c. Low temperature d. Humidity 

10. Lichens are pioneers of vegetation in

 a. Hydrosere b. Halosere c. Atmosphere d. Lithosere 

Algae MCQs 

1. Study of algae is known as

 a. Mycology b. Mycetology c. Phycology d. Zoology 

2. Floridean starch is reserve food material in

 a. Chlorophyceae b. Phaeophyceae c. Rhodophyceae d. Cyanophyceae 

3. Which is commonly called 'water silk' ?

 a. Ulothrix b. Spirogyra c. Chlamydomonas d. Nostoc 

4. Spirogyra is slippery in touch as

 a. It grows in water b. Its cell wall is cellulosic c. It has a sheath of pectose d. None of these 

5. The product of conjugation of spirogyra is called

 a. Zoospores b. Akinete c. Chlamydospores d. Zygospore 

6. Fucoxanthin pigment is found in

 a. Blue green algae b. Green algae c. Red algae d. Brown algae 

7. An alga very rich in protein is

 a. Spirogyra b. Ulothrix c. Oscillatoria d. Chlorella 

8. Agar agar is obtained from

 a. Red algae b. Brown algae c. Green algae d. Blue green algae 

9. Pyrenoids are characteristically found in the chloroplast of

 a. Fungi b. Algae c. Pteridophytes d. Angiosperms 

10. Spirogyra is commonly known is pond silk because

 a. Silk is manufactured from it b. It looks like thread c. It is slimy to touch d. All the above 

Fungi MCQs 

1. Which is not found in Agaricus

 a. Pilus b. Mycelium c. Stipe d. Ascospores 

2. Yeast belongs to

 a. Ascomycetes b. Basidiomycetes c. Deuteromycetes d. Phycomycetes 

3. Columella is found in the fruiting of

 a. Agaricus b. Mucor c. Lichen d. Marchantia 

4. Late blight of potato is caused by

 a. Phytophthora b. Synchytrium c. Albugo d. Fusarium 

5. The reserve food material in fungi is

 a. Chitin b. Cellulose c. Glycogen d. Starch 

6. Which of the following is heterotrophs

 a. Cyanobacteria b. Fern c. Mushroom d. Pinus 

7. The study of fungi is known as

 a. Phycology b. Mycology c. Algology d. Herpetology 

8. In which 'torula stage' is found?

 a. Spirogyra b. Mucor c. Riccia d. Ulothrix 

9. The cell wall of Mucor is made up of

 a. Chitin b. Cellulose c. Pectin d. Mucilage 

10. Saccharomyces cerevisae is

 a. Prokaryotic b. Eukaryotic c. Multicellular d. Filamentous 

Bryophytes MCQs 

1. Which one of the following lacks vascular tissue?

 a. Moss b. Fern c. Cycas d. Mustad 

2. The amphibians of plant Kingdom is

 a. Thallophytes b. Bryophytes c. Pteridophytes d. Gymnosperms 

3. Marchantia belongs to which of the following classes?

 a. Rhizopsida b. Bryopsida c. Anthocerotopsida d. Hepaticopsida 

4. Haploid plant body is found in

 a. Pteridophytes b. Gymnosperms c. Angiosperms d. Bryophytes 

5. Bryophyte use is antiseptic absorbent bandage is

 a. Funaria b. Polytrichum c. Sphagnum d. Anthoceros 

6. Bryophytes differs from pteridophytes in

 a. Archegonia b. Lack of vascular tissue c. Swimming antherozoids d. Independent gametophytes 

7. Which is commonly known as Peat moss?

 a. Polytrichum b. Funaria c. Sphagnum d. Riccia 

8. Mosses are the indicator of

 a. Air pollution b. Water pollution c. Radiation pollution d. Soil pollution 

9. Bryophytes yeh popularly called 'amphibian plants' because

 a. They grow on land b. They grow on damp soil and require water to carry out sexual reproduction c. They are aquatic d. All of above 

10. Dichotomous branching is found in

 a. Fern b. Funaria c. Marchantia d. Anthoceros. Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms 


1. The vascular cryptogams is

 a. Bryophytes b. Thallophytes c. Pteridophytes d. Fungi 

2. The plant which has vascular tissue but lacks seed is placed in:

 a. Thallophytes b. Bryophytes c. Pteridophytes d. Gymnosperms 

3. The prothallus of Dryopteris is

 a. Sporophyte b. Gametophyte c. Rhizoid d. Rhizome 

4. The prothallus of fern is

 a. Kidney shaped b. Club shaped c. Heart shaped d. Flask shaped 

5. Ovary is absent in

 a. Angiosperm b. Gymnosperm c. Monocot d. Dicot 

6. The largest ovule in the plant Kingdom are found in:

 a. Pinus b. Cycas c. Maize d. Pea 

7. Pinus is a gymnosperm because

 a. It is a large tree b. It is pollinated by wind c. It has exposed naked ovules d. It produces seeds and it has narrow leaves 

8. Most primitive seed plants are

 a. Gymnosperms b. Angiosperms c. Pteridophytes d. None of these 

9. Female cone is absent in

 a. Cycas b. Pinus c. Maize d. Pea 

10. Pinus differs from mango in having

 a. Presence of wood b. Ovules not enclosed in ovary c. Tree plant d. Green leaves 

Morphology of angiosperms MCQs 

1. Which type of root is found in turnips?

 a. Conical b. Napiform c. Fusiform d. Tuberous 

2. Leaves arising from stem branches are:

 a. Radical b. Cauline c. Ramal d. Peltate 

3. Inflorescence is

 a. Group of flowers b. Occurrence of flowers c. Arrangement of flowers d. Arrangement of flowers on the floral axis 

4. Tetradynamous condition is found in

 a. Brassicaceae b. Liliaceae c. Fabaceae d. Solanaceae 

5. Tomato belongs to

 a. Cruciferae b. Liliaceae c. Fabaceae d. Solanaceae 

6. Glycine max is the scientific name of

 a. Gram b. Pea c. Bean d. Soyabean 

7. The flowers of family solanaceae is

 a. Hypogynous zygomorphic b. Hypogynous actinomorphic c. Epigynous actinomorphic d. Epigynous zygomorphic 

8. Persistent calyx is characteristic features of

 a. Cruciferae b. Solanaceae c. Fabaceae d. Liliaceae 

9. Cruciferae is characterized by

 a. Cruciform flowers b. Parietal placentation c. Siliqua d. All of the above 

10. Petals process claw in

 a. Solanaceae b. Brassicaceae c. Fabaceae d. Liliaceae

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