Movie review writing

 In the present context most of the students don't know about the movie review even the basic  concepts of movie review. Most of them become confused that how to write, what to write, in what pattern we should write...
You don't have to take any tension about the questions that arise in your mind. There is the solution in this article.
Here is the short and sweet sample of the movie review writing below:

A short movie review on Jhola

  • Title of the movie: Jhola
  • Director: Yadav Kumar Bhattarai
  • Starring: Garima Panta, Desh Bhakta Khanal, Sujal Nepal, Laxmi Giri and Deepak Chhetri
  • Genre: Social movie
  • Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
  • Language: Nepali
  • Release date: 7th December 2013
Everyone will be excited to watch the film Jhola at a quick glance of it's synopsis on the film's website. However, the sorrowful tale depicting the cruel and inhuman practice of Sati in Nepal defies their expectations.

The movie is based on author Krishna Dharabasi's story , Jhola. The film introduces us to a young Ghanashyam who lives with his mother Kanchi (Garima Panta) and his old and sick father (Desh Bhakta Khanal). After her husband passes away, Kanchi's life becomes a nightmere.

Though Garima was expected  to burn alive with the dead body of her husband , she escaped the fire and hide in a cave. The anguish of both mother and son really becomes palpable on the screen. The director of the movie, Yadav Kumar Bhattarai expertly depicts the pain of the protagonists as well as the tender relationship between a mother and a son , which imbibes Jhola with a soul that has been missing in today's most Nepali movies. Similarly the questions of the sister in law against Sati tradition and gender disparity in terms of marriage system give some relief to the audience.

Sati system was abolished decades ago in Nepal. However , this movie is still relevant to today's Nepal because we often hear the cases of gender violence. The film may not be technically sound or perfectly enacted , but it succeeds in leaving an impact on inspiring viewers to take a stance.
                                                      The End
Note that the picture is not necessary for the movie review writing.

Hope this will helped you a lot.
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