Unique property of carbon


This is the notes for unique property of carbon.

Unique property of carbon 

Carbon is a very common “ingredient” of matter because it can combine with itself and with many other elements. It is an essential element of organic compounds. 

There are millions of known carbon compounds, and carbon is the only element that can form so many different compounds. 

It has got some unique properties due to which it forms so many compounds. Some unique properties are discussed here:

Tetracovalency of Carbon 

Carbon is a nonmetal in group IVA (14) of the periodic table. Like other group IVA elements, carbon has four valence electrons. The carbon atom forms four covalent bonds to attain stability in its valence shell which is called tetracovalency of carbon.

Q.1: How many more electrons does carbon need to have a full outer energy level? 

Ans: Carbon needs four more valence electrons, or a total of eight valence electrons, to fill its outer energy level. A full outer energy level is the most stable arrangement of electrons.

Q.2: How can carbon achieve a full outer energy level? 

Ans: Carbon can form four covalent bonds. Covalent bonds are chemical bonds that form between nonmetals. In a covalent bond, two atoms share a pair of electrons. By forming four covalent bonds, carbon shares its four electrons, thus filling its outer energy level and achieving stability.

Catenation property of carbon 

Carbon has unique property of linking itself to other C-atoms forming chains of identical atoms to give several organic compounds which is known as catenation. 

Carbon atom may form single, double or triple covalent bonds among other carbon atoms to form variety of linear, branched or cyclic compounds.


Hope this will help you a lot.

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